An International Marriage Agency and Consulting Service by Katja Sokolova and Irina Birger. Learn how to date a Russian Bride, how to make pelmeni and more.
From 30-01-'08 until 03-02-'08 at Mediamatic, as part of Gastarbeider Dating.

Mediamatic Post CS Katja Sokolova, Irina Birger
Russian Brides
30Jan 20083Feb 2008Our International Marriage Agency and Consulting Service was open for women and men from Wed to Sun from 4 to 8 p.m. Experienced professionals were there to answer all your questions. Every day we...
Performance: Mediamatic Post CS Katja Sokolova, Irina Birger
Russian Roulette
2Feb 2008Beautiful Russian ladies couldn't wait to meet you. It was a great party with DJ Goldfinger and the Moscow Disco and ten Russian women from Amsterdam to date with.
Review workshop Russian Brides Gijs Rood
How to become a Gentleman
Het is nog rustig op de woensdagavond in de exporuimte van Mediamatic. Zojuist is het startschot gegeven door twee Russische kunstenaars voor de vijf dagen durende expositie Russian Brides. In het...
A Romantic Night
6Apr 20086Apr 2008Tot en met 6 april in de Appel de tentoonstelling "To Burn Oneself to Oneself: the Romantic Damage Show". Een onderzoek naar en een pleidooi voor de romantische kunstenaarspositie. Op de laatste...
Mediamatic Post CS Katja Sokolova
Pelmeni (Russian Ravioli) workshop
Pelmeni, vodka and the Russian choir "Soroki"
There is not a single Russian restaurant in Amsterdam. The Russians miss their food from home. It was time to teach the Dutch how to prepare some of the most delicious Russian dishes.