Eyal Sivan


Eyal Sivan -

Eyal Sivan is an Israeli documentary filmmaker and theoretician based in Paris. Born in Haifa, Israel, he grew up in Jerusalem. He is Reader (Associate Professor) in Media Production at the School of Arts and Digital Industries (ADI) at the University of East London (UEL). For several years, he co-directed their Master of Arts (MA) programme in Film, Video, and New Media. Sivan has directed more than fifteen political documentary works, which received international awards, and produced many others. Among his most famous works are Common State, Potential conversation [1] (2012), Jaffa, the orange’s clockwork (2009), I Love You All, Aus Liebe Zum Volk (co-directed with Audrey Maurion) (2004), Route 181, Fragments of a journey in Palestine-Israel (co-directed with Michel Khleifi) (2003), and The Specialist, portrait of a modern criminal (1999). He has received numerous prestigious awards for his cinematographic body of work.

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  • Eyal Sivan