Bio Clean Lab Rules

The agreement to sign before starting your work in the lab

Anyone understands that a workplace as special as the laboratory comes with a couple of do's and don'ts. Mainly for safety, but also to keep the whole thing manageable.

It is very important that you know, we know you know, and it has been established in writing, signed by both parties.


People sitting in front of the Clean Room - Magic Mushroom Workshop. Picture taken at the opening of the Paddestoelen Paradijs exhibition . Govert de Jong

For safety and orderly conduct within the working space called the Mediamatic Clean Lab, these Rules and Regulations have been set up. If you want to work in the Clean Lab, it is mandatory that you read and sign this agreement.

Mediamatic is a foundation, an institute, aiming to facilitate Bio art/engineer/science work with the Clean Lab. Mediamatic allows the usage of the building, facilities and people, against payment, for the benefit of those that come to work on projects here. The realisation, organisation, and technical support of the Clean Lab are responsibilities of Mediamatic.

The Base of the Rules and Regulations
It goes without saying that Dutch and European law is applicable at any moment. More information may be found in the A​rboportaal ​of the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. These Rules and Regulations are applicable in the whole of the Clean Lab unless otherwise stated.

In the Clean Lab, one
a. does not work alone without the Clean Lab Manager being present or without explicit authorisation of Mediamatic Management or the Clean Lab Manager.
b. does not bring excessive and/or redundant materials to the Clean Lab. Storage may be rented, if need be.
c. does not smoke in the Clean Lab or one of the openings to the Clean Lab.
d. is not under the influence of psychoactive drugs that impede safe working in the Clean Lab.
e. notifies the Clean Lab manager of any/or all broken materials that are owned my Mediamatic and is liable to be charged for these.
f. always notifies the Clean Lab Manager of dangerous situations or calamities immediately. In the case of serious situations, 112 is called.
g. plans ahead and knows what he or she does and is going to do that day.
h. cleans before and after the work has finished. It is absolutely mandatory that the workspace is left at least as clean as it was. Other people depend on cleanliness and sterility for their work.

Clean Room regulations
In the Clean Room Lab, one
a. always wears a Labcoat
b. does not eat or drink
c. does not turn off or on the Laminar flow or any other apparatus used by others unless as directed by the Clean Lab Manager or when it poses a direct threat to the safety of people working or the Clean Lab.

Final words
Mediamatic and her staff wishes you success with your project and that the experience may be as pleasurable as can be.