Jiwei Zhou

Desining with Mycelium Assistant


Jiwei leaves the lab to cook tempeh - Jiwei Zhou, Kamilė Vaitkutė

Interning in the clean lab, doing research and design with new mycelium materials

Intern in the clean lab, researching and designing with a natural material called Mycelium. 

I am also a master student in Design for Interaction in TU Delft. I came to Mediamatic because I am interested in biology. I developed a bio-material for my Bachelor thesis project: tea clay with tea waste in China and other everyday food. I designed an aroma lamp with it because it has a natural tea aroma on its own and will give the smell when heated with lightning. It was a nice first try but the material still needs improvement.

Here in mediamatic we are experimenting and designing an edible material with mycelium. Besides experiementing on the material itself, we are also looking at designing interactions between people and it: can we bring curiosity to people about edible mycelium through designing an eating experience?

I would like to create things from nature's aspect, instead of people's needs (we are so used to user-centred design, but a lot of interesting things can appear if we go nature-centred with design). 

Contact information

  • Jiwei Zhou

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