Pop Quiz

and the Opening of the Boston pavilion

20 nov 2009
20 nov 2009

Welcome to the Jungle. We got Fun 'n' and Games.
Play the Pop Quiz. Your hosts for tonight are Roos and Alex.


Popquiz @ Mediamatic - Jans Possel

Mediamatic gives you prior warning to prepare for the POP QUIZ. Beginning at 8 o'clock on the 20th of November, POP QUIZ will challenge your senses tackling the subject of pop music and culture through the medium of pre-recorded music, live musicians, dancers and psychic reasoning.

In the pavilion of Boston, curated by Andras Szalai, Eric Gunther and Jeff Lieberman, you can make your own music clip dressed up as your favourite pop star.


Welcome to the Jungle - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach


True Or False - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach


Merry Quizmas - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach


PopquizPeople - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach


Quizmasters - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach


Guess Who - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach


Popquiz - Opening Boston paviljoen - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank 20 november 2009: een Popquiz van Alex en Roos markeerde de opening van het paviljoen van Boston van Andras Szalai, Eric Gunther en Jeff Lieberman. Het paviljoen bestond uit de friendSlicer, een rfid-installatie die de drie mannen tijdens het Mediamatic Hacker Camp voorafgaand aan PICNIC 2009 ontwierpen. Je nam je eigen videoclip op en deze werd gemixed met de clips van je vrienden uit het Mediamatic netwerk. Raphael Rehbach


Ukelele Girl - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach


10 Points! - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach


Lucky Winner of a Flowerpot - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach


2nd Prize: Surprise - Popquiz on Friday November 20th at Mediamatic Bank Raphael Rehbach