Erik Borra


erik-.jpg - Mining my own business

Erik Borra is New Media developer at the University of Amsterdam's New Media program, freelance programmer and web researcher. He is the lead programmer, as well as researcher, for the Digital Methods Initiative through which he is involved in the 'Mapping Controversies in Science and Politics' European research project (MACOSPOL). This employment is a continuation of his work for, a foundation dedicated to creating and hosting political Web tools. This work consists of mapping issue networks on the Web by using the Issue Crawler software, as well as devising new tools such as the Issue Feed (beta), Issue Scraper - which makes comparative analyses of webspheres (e.g. news spheres and blogospheres), a surfer pathway browser, and tag ecology visualizers.

The remainder of his time Erik works together with artists and designers, in projects such as the WEX machine - a physical website recursively connecting the on- and the offline, iTea - an interactive RFID installation designed as a coffee table, and - a playlist recommendation mash-up between YouTube and

Erik earned his BSc and MSc in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam.