Reminder for Level 5: Mob Fest

Part II Doing Mobile starts tonight at 20.30

Doing Mobile is about how mobile games can contribute to a better future, outside of the confined gamespace. Games are an easy way of addressing complex issues and igniting people to get involved. We will be speaking to Karel Millenaar of FourceLabs, Tate Modern's Louise Down, and Emer Beamer of Butterfly Works. The evening will be hosted by Michiel de Lange. You can buy your ticket on our website.


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About Mob Fest

After arcade machines, consoles, handhelds and installations, we've finally reached the virtual Level 5: Mobile Games. The three-day Mob Fest marks the end of the Arcade exhibition. An Ignite evening consisting of 15 speedy 5-minute talks, and two days of in-depth discussion about and demonstrations of mobile games.

More information

Doors open at 8pm, the evening starts at 8.30pm. Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. A ticket for one evening will set you back €7,-. A 3-day ticket is only €15,-. Buy your ticket online to make sure there's a warm seat waiting for you.

Mob Fest is part of the Arcade exhibition. Arcade is an expanding collection of old and new games and technologies. We've got a great selection of arcade machines, consoles, handhelds and interactive installations. The exhibition closes on March 27th, so there are just a few days left to play!

(Photo courtesy of ReMap.)