An overview of all Hacker Camp installations made at PICNIC 2009. The will be presented during Play with your Tag at PICNIC (23 – 25 September 2009).

Interactive installation Tijmen Schep, Tim Olden, Dirk van Oosterbosch, Erik Borra 1 jan 2009
Network Knockout
How much do you know about your online network?
Network Knockout is a two-player game. The two players get asked questions about their social network. They answer by throwing a ball in the hole corresponding to the correct answer. How connected...
worlds largest social sketching tool
The ik-a-sketch is a variant on the well known etch-a-sketch toy. Two knobs are used for making a drawing consisting of a single line. In our version however, the knobs are too far apart for a single...
Everybody knows gnomes love games
ikGnome is a 'game' where the visitors of PICNIC take pictures of themselves with a Gnome hat on. There are only two hats, a red one and a blue one, which people have to pass along to their friends.
#1-800 DIAL NOW!
make your own infomertial
Come and visit our cosy living room from the past to connect with the talent you need today. Record your sales pitch for others to see, sell your idea in a TV-infomertial from the 80s that features...
Interactive installation Jeff Lieberman, Andras Sly Szalai, Eric Gunther 1 jan 2009
Create a networked music video
Star in a music video with your friends. The sounds you enter into the recording booth will be matched with sounds made by people in your online network. They'll be cut together to form a unique...
Rutger Emmelkamp, Bastiaan Ekeler, Marieke Bijster 1 jan 2009
One rope, two teams. Which team is the strongest?
Breaking The Frame
3D group photo
Form a group, use your ikTags and break the 2D frame to create a 3D experience. Once the installation is activated, an array of (10, 14, 18?) cameras will shut at the same time, capturing the group...
Interactive installation Mark Wubben, Eelco Wagenaar 1 jan 2009
Hot targets and RFID frisbees
Two teams both have a frisbee with a built-in RFID chip. They play in a field with three goals featuring RFID readers. The goals randomly light up (become 'hot'). When a goal is 'hot', it becomes a...