Tumulus Mediamatic Biotoop
Promised Land
June '15 - July '19
How, and where to move thousands of kilos of straw and clay? When Mediamatic moved from the Van Gendthallen to the Dijksgracht in 2015, we had to disassemble our freshly built straw office. It was...
Tumulus Mediamatic Biotoop Ruchama Noorda
Mar - June '21
This spring the woad (Isatis Tinctoria) growing on the Tumulus flowers bright radiant yellow.The Hermitess pandemic shelter is freshly painted with wood tar that was obtained from trees through...
Tumulus Mediamatic Biotoop Ruchama Noorda
Hibernating Winter Garden
Dec '20 - Mar '21
Tumulus Mediamatic Biotoop Ruchama Noorda
Blue Monday
Sept - Dec '20
The Tumulus lot is alive with weeds and herbs seeded by the wind or deliberately planted. The woad (lsatis tinctoria) which was planted in 2019 has been partially harvested and used to make woad dye...
Tumulus Mediamatic Biotoop Ruchama Noorda
Healing Property
Mar - Aug '20
In late July and early August 2020, an ornamental hermitage was constructed at the centre of the Tumulus, slightly sunk into the earth. It is built from compacted earth-bags and discarded home...
Tumulus Mediamatic Biotoop Ruchama Noorda
Dormant Lot
Nov '19 - Mar '20
Tumulus Mediamatic Biotoop
Growth Imperative
July - October '19
Since its inception, Tumulus has been slowly changing shape. On Friday, September 13th , 2019, the artist organized a dedication ceremony inaugurating Phase 2 of the project. Visitors were offered a...
Tumulus Mediamatic Biotoop Ruchama Noorda
Vegetative State
June - July '19
The Tumulus lot is alive with weeds and herbs seeded by the wind or deliberately planted.
Party Mediamatic Biotoop
Open Air Gentle Disco
27mei 2021We organise a ‘Gentle Disco’ to press mycelium bricks for our Pigeon Towers. First, we used a machine to press the blocks, but we found out that a dance ritual has the same effect, and is a lot more...
Growing In & Out with Artist Minji Choi
Plant, Something that (Doesn’t) Love a Wall
Born in Seoul, South Korea and based in Eindhoven, Netherlands, Minji Choi has a transboundary persona. As an artist, she devotes herself to reexamining ‘belonging’ and ‘nativeness'. In her body of...
Het land bevruchten met mensenpoep en -plas: het klinkt misschien vies, maar was tot zo’n honderd jaar geleden heel gebruikelijk. Sterker nog: eind negentiende eeuw werd in de meeste steden een...
Stage: Haeckel Erfgoed
Wil jij ons helpen om voor het digitaal en analoge erfgoed van Ernst Haeckel te zorgen en zijn missie voort zetten? Ernst Haeckel is een inspiratiebron voor ons. Meer dan een eeuw geleden scoorde hij...
Mediamatic Biotoop
In 2021 werkten we met deze mensen samen
The Finger Rub Rug
When enclosed in a room with a rug made of silicone fingers, it is difficult to remain neutral. Whether it be humour or disgust, Dima's installation invites the audience to act on their response as...
Fashion Your Sweat
Alice Potts is a biomaterial designer fascinated by sweat. By f ashioning this vital bodily fluid into crystals for garments, shoes and sportswear, Potts asks us to reconsider the potential of our...
Wetlands by Charlotte Roche
The new Covid19 restrictions means it's time for those creative hobbies to come out of the woodwork again! Or, perhaps you are looking for something creative and different... have you considered...
How can our Experience of Intimacy be changed by…
Throughout the Covid19 lockdown, there has been a 47% increase in the use of the internet as the world has turned to technology to connect with loved ones. This has made the research of Lancel/Maat...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Messages from the Myco-Assemblage
11dec 2020Friday afternoon, Arne and Dominik will discuss their attempt to build structures with living mycelium waste. What have they learned? What are the challenges? And what stories have emerged so far?
Feeling pigeon today?
Creating a Facefilter
How does it feel to be a pigeon? Of course, nobody can ever tell, and probably even each pigeon on its own feels different about it. But to support the feeling to be part of the pigeon community I...
Mediamatic Biotoop
Design Solutions
Ontwerp dat het diner in kassen mogelijk maakt
Voor het gebruik van de Serres in het restaurant zijn wij voortdurend bezig met aanpassingen. Niet alleen aan de serres zelf, maar ook aan de manier waarop we onze service uitvoeren. Welke problemen...
Floor Map and Corona Maps
Where to find the files and how to use them
2020 made us rethink how to use our spaces in a Corona-proof way. We made some maps that can be use as a tool to imagine setups for any event that need to be organised in our spaces.
La Cocina Presents: Staging a Banquet
1nov 2020Unfortunately this presentation is cancelled! When we prepare and eat food we don’t only combine and ingest solids and liquids, but also symbols, protocols, values, and centuries of history. ...
Take a seat and lean in: The poetry of Code Noir
Reflecting on representation and language with Rachel Rumai Diaz
Following the end of the Code Noir dinner series, I had a chat with Rachel Rumai Diaz-- the spoken word artist behind the poetry that breathed life into the culinary journey of our latest Neo
A look at the history of Caribbean cuisine
A blog for Code Noir
Whether culture, tradition or simple sustenance, food is a central part of human life. It also carries great symbolic value. To share a meal goes beyond the food itself; it extends to an experience...