Javier López Piñón

Stage Director


Javier López Piñón - Javier López Piñón

Theater, opera, that is what I do and what I have been doing for many years. I travel a lot for my work. Recently: Togo, Ivory Coast, French Guyana, New York (State), as I intend to re-invent opera as a valid instrument for the time present.

After being attached to the opera class of the Royal Conservatoire (Koninklijk Conservatorium) for a couple of years, under the artistic leadership of Kenneth Montgomery, Javier López Piñón became Head of Drama Studies when the operaclasses of the Royal Conservatoire and the Amsterdam Conservatoire merged, under the present artistic leader Alexander Oliver and became De Nieuwe Opera Academie (The New Opera Academy). As of 2008, this school gives a MA degree and has been rechristened Durch National Opera Academy.

For further information, please check my website.

Contact informatie

  • Javier López Piñón
  • Witte Heerenstraat 57
  • 2011 NT
  • Haarlem
  • NL