Anne Hofstra

Artistic Research


Anne Hofstra -

Anne Hofstra is an artistic researcher. Currently, she is particularly interested in how we as humans can learn to make not only humans, but the entire ecosystem the center of our thinking.

She has previously made theatre, performances and radio plays and worked as a program developer at Mediamatic where she made programs about interspecies collaborations such as Duif, Inhuman Carnival and the Knotweed Festival. Anne created in 2023 the show KIP, a theatre for chickens, that played at Mediamatic.



Hoofdbeeld van de voorstelling KIP: Theatervoorstelling voor kippen. Gemaakt door Anne Hofstra. - Afbeelding gemaakt door Anne Hofstra


She also worked as program developer for Mediamatic between 2019-2023.

Some of the projects she developed within Mediamatic:

Inhuman Carnaval


Promotion image for Inhuman Carnaval at DDW - artist: Lea Jenny  (@studiovoilavoila) photo: Pierre Castignola   (@pierrecastignola) model: Salomé Stein ( @salome__rose) image source


Venla Elonsalo costume 8 -


Jesse during the Kamer Plant Performance - with Jesse Asselman Jesse Asselman performed during Dutch Design Week at Natlab, for our Inhuman Carnaval Project. Caroline Aravicius, Jesse Asselman


Drinks at Dusk with Conny Groenewegen - At Dutch Design Week, we have daily presentations by various artists at sundown. In this edition we talk about how we can embody and feel more like other species through fashion with fashion designer Conny Groenewegen. Caroline Aravicius, Conny Groenewegen, Anne Hofstra


Drinks at Dusk with Studio Nepco - In this Drinks at Dusk edition Lennart Vader talks about how dressing up can playfully bring us closer to other species.  Caroline Aravicius


Anouk Beckers tijdens het Inhuman Carnaval kostuumLAB op Dutch Design Week -


Beetles on the dancefloor - At Dutch Design Week we party in biodiversity costumes with  DJ Wannabeastar   and   Shirley Macholina , using costumes made in the costume lab at Inhuman Carnaval. Free beers provided by Oedipus Brewing for non-humans! Anisa Xhomaqi

Penny for your Thoughts


Pauline's presentation set-up showcasing some folkloric products and ceramics. - During the first Penny for your Thoughts presentation night, Pauline Rip shares her research on mythical and folkloric lore, which includes ingredients and recipes. She displays a couple of items that are linked to her elven interests.  Photo taken by Daniell Tahor Daniell Tahor


Beleidsplan Mediamatic



Radical Imagining Just & Green Futures



Environmental activist Pippi van Ommen explaining what what steps to take towards a just and green future. - Petra Baturova


Mediamatic Duif



Visual Hato Poppo - Mily Boogaarts



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