Jip Santen

Project manager (she/her)


Veggie Portrait. Jip - Jip chose the spring onion.  Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo

Met: Jip Santen


My name is Jip. I recently got my bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences and started at Mediamatic shortly after. My work here is centered in the aquaponics greenhouse and the garden. During my time as an intern I set up a project revolving around using canalwater in urban farming. Now, I am continuing with this project (amongst others) as a project manager. My goal is to limit the use of tapwater for irrigation purposes and communicate about the topic of water stress in general. 

This project really suits my interest as I love creatively thinking about issues connected to (urban) land use and the way us humans relate to our environment. Land has so much economic, social, and spiritual value, and the way we ‘consume’ that value in such different ways all over the world is very interesting to me.




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