Kunnen we bewustwording creëren voor de diversiteit aan soorten in ons ecosysteem door te ruiken? In deze workshop verkennen we de verbazingwekkende geuren die onze natuurlijke wereld rijk is door de geur van dieren, insecten, planten en bacteriën te vertalen in een parfum voor mensen.
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Noa Jansma is a Dutch multimedia designer. She completed her training at the Design Academy Eindhoven and has exhibited her work at renowned locations such as C/O Berlin, Les Rencontres de la Photographie d'Arles and Dutch Design Week. Using various media, including photography, video installations
Reclaim lost knowledge about medicinal herbs! This workshop focuses on foraging for plants with potential benefits for female reproductive health. In collaboration with artist Fedora Boonaert , you'll learn how to forage wild herbs surrounding Mediamatic Biotoop. Afterwards, you'll join designer…
Have you watched the Boy and the Heron yet? In Miyazaki latest film the boy Mahito, together with a supernatural Blue Heron, experiences the adventure of a lifetime. The screen is brimming with colourful characters, even the main star in our Japanese Knotweed season had a small role! Like other…