Alaa Abu Asad
Kunstenaar, Wetenschapper
Kunstenaar Alaa Abu Asad is geïnteresseerd in 'ongewenste' soorten, vooral bekend als invasieve soorten. Hij onderzoekt onder andere het gewelddadige en soms xenofobe taalgebruik rondom Japanse...
Afbeelding: Vu Ha
Portrait of Siobhan
Artist in residence February-March 2024
Janneke de Lange
Janneke de Lange is a designer who graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven. Her work " FRUITURE NURSERY" will be displayed at Mediamatic during Japanese Knotweed Festival 2024.
Clemens Tomlow
Erica Monde
Erica Monde is filmmaker, antropoloog en kunstenaar uit Noord-Californië en woont momenteel in Schotland. Haar werk richt zich op de relaties tussen het lichaam en de omgeving, queer ecologieën
Uno Fujisawa
Kunstenaar / Chef
Uno Fujisawa, geboren in 1982 in Japan en momenteel gevestigd in Amsterdam, is niet alleen kunstenaar maar ook chef-kok. Haar artistieke inspanningen zijn geworteld in een intensief onderzoek naar de...
Aslı Hatipoğlu
Kunstenaar / Kok
Aslı Hatipoğlu is kunstenaar en kok die zich bezighoudt met het organiseren van participatieve diners en het maken van installaties die gaan over onze culinaire geschiedenis en de politiek omtrent...
Lucie Havel
Lucie's current knotweed projects
Fedora Boonaert
Fedora Boonaert has been immersed in culture since childhood. This passion led her to pursue art history studies in Ghent. Fedora's thirst for exploration led her to the Netherlands, where she...
Eva van Dée
Fermentation expert and researcher
Eva van Dée, a specialist in fermentation with a background in industrial design, explores various approaches to fermentation. During her residency at Mediamatic, she aims to refine her recipes and...
Teun Castelein
Teun Castelein (1980) is een kunstenaar bekend om een breed scala ondernemingen. Hij noemt zichzelf een 'eenmansconglomeraat' werkzaam vanuit de stad Amsterdam met de ambitie de wereld te...
Arne Hendriks
Duiventoren kunstenaar
Arne Hendriks is kunstenaar en doet onderzoek naar human ecology. Hij gelooft dat we vrijgeviger naar onszelf zouden moeten zijn in het toestaan van radicale ideeën en gebruiken om onze relatie met...
Thijs de Zeeuw
Landscape Architect and Nature Optimist
Thijs de Zeeuw is a Landscape architect and nature-optimist. He designs environments for both humans and non-humans to cohabit in. He dreams of multi-species societies in which humans regard animals...
Sander Nederveen
Sander Nederveen is a brewmaster at Oedipus, a new Amsterdam brewery. Oedipus prefers to brew beer to fit each person's preferences, and for each moment of the day. Focus lies on tasteful, dry beers...
Oedipus Brewing
We are Oedipus, four friends who share pleasure and knowledge through beer. We spend more time together than with our moms. We started brewing because we wanted to create something exciting
Frank Bloem
Artist, Curator and Aroma Lab Supervisor
Frank Bloem is an artist who uses scent as his primary medium. He studied Fine Arts at the Rietveld academy. In the summer of 2016, Frank changed his focus from visual art to olfactory-based works.
Remko Andeweg
Stadsbotanicus bij Bureau Stadsnatuur
Remko Andeweg werkt als stadsbotanicus bij Bureau stadsnatuur, een onderdeel van Het Natuurhistorisch museum Rotterdam. Hij gespecialiseerd in de flora van het stedelijk-industriële milieu
Jaike Bijleveld
Senior Advisor Assetmanagement Groen at Municipality of Amsterdam
Jaike Bijleveld is Coördinator invasive plantspecies, treediseases and -plagues (such as oak processionary caterpillar) and ecology for the municipality of Amsterdam. Jaike studied biology at the...
Emile Corre
Artiest, Ondernemer, Activist, Brouwersberaad Curator
Emile's huidige Duizendknoop project
Virgile Durando
Designer en onderzoeker
Virgile's huidige duizendknoop project
Takako Hamano
Takoko's current knotweed project
Gjalt Jan Feersma Hoekstra
Technical Sales Consultant at Agriton
Gjalt Jan is technical Sales Consultant at Agriton who knows all about sustainable farming and food fermentation. Gjalt has also conducted many agronomical trials with bokashi and composting in the...
Marieke de Hoop
Marieke's current knotweed project
Mas Jansma
My name is Mas. I've lived in the center of Amsterdam all of my life. I love to see the countless ways in which life finds its way in the city. Plants arrest my attention whenever they do something I...
Edwin Keijsers
Researcher Fibres in a circular future
Edwin has been working as a researcher at Wageningen Food & Biobased Research for the last 27 years on extracting and processing natural fibres for optimal use in existing and new circular industrial...
Niek Kosten
Grafisch Ontwerper, Onderzoeker en Docent
Niek's huidige duizendknoop project
Sebastjan Kovač
Chef and Ecologist
Sebastjan's current knotweed project
Production space
Krater's current knotweed project
Marc Lemonnier
Artist / musician
Marc's current knotweed projects
Neo Flutes
Craftsman / musician
Neo is speaking at the symposium of the Japanese Knotweed Festival
Yoshinari Nishiki
Yoshinari's current knotweed project
Gaja Mežnarić Osole
Gaja's current knotweed project
Norbert Peeters
Botanical philosopher
Norbert Peeters (37) is a botanical philosopher, writer, and PhD-student at Leiden University. His dissertation focuses on the philosophy of weeds, invasive exotics, and the historical roots of...
Lynn Shore
Herbalist and foraging teacher
The natural world has always deeply fascinated me – we are part of it and need to respect it. I express this through teaching, writing and being in green spaces. My professional background is in...
Debra Solomon
In 2004 Debra Solomon (US/NL) began publishing her independent research on culiblog.org on food, food culture, and the culture that grows our food. Her recent work includes a series of temporary...
Danica Sretenović
Curator and Architect
Danica's current knotweed project
Johan van Valkenburg
Senior Scientist at the Netherlands Institute for Vectors, Invasive plants and Plant health (NIVIP)
Johan van Valkenburg is currently a Senior Scientist at the Netherlands Institute for Vectors, Invasive plants and Plant health (NIVIP), leading research projects relating to invasive non-native...
Nout Verhoeven
Director Engineering at City of Amsterdam
Nout Verhoeven is Director Engineering at the municipality of Amsterdam. He is responsible for a great variety of projects concerning public spaces in Amsterdam. As a physicist, he is trained to...
Anne Marie Verschoor
Kunstenaar en Bioloog
Annemarie's huidige duizendknoop projecten
Janny Vos
Strategic Partnerships Director for CABI
Dr. Janny Vos is Strategic Partnerships Director for CABI – an international, inter-governmental, not-for-profit organization that applies scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and...
Kristof Vrancken
Beeldend Kunstenaar, Fotograaf en Onderzoeker
Kristof's huidige duizendknoop project
Why Knot Design
Biomaterial Design Studio
Why Knot is speaking at the symposium of the Japanese Knotweed Festival
Pauline Wiersema
Sociale Praktijk Kunstenaar
Pauline's huidige duizendknoop project
Anke Wijnja
Wildplukker, Natuurcoach en Bushcrafter
Anke eet al een half leven uit het wild. Als student in rotterdam verzamelde ze ‘parkgroente’, vanuit nieuwsgierigheid naar wat mensen hier eeuwen aten; Ze verdiepte zich in de wereld van het...
Sus Willems
Ecological advisor
"Every landscape, no matter how big or how small, is a music score that I want to read in order to hear the music. As a green manager, you can select very specific musical notes on a stave, but in...
Anne Hofstra
Artistic Research
Anne Hofstra is an artistic researcher. Currently, she is particularly interested in how we as humans can learn to make not only humans, but the entire ecosystem the center of our thinking. She has...