Geert Wissink

Geert Wissink is crazy about everything related to the internet. Wiki's, blogs, rss, open source, advanced content management systems, Geert wants to know all about it. At KL his heart goes to projects concerning new media and social software.

Geert Wissink is crazy about everything related to the internet. Wiki's, blogs, rss, open source, advanced content management systems, Geert wants to know all about it. At KL his heart goes to projects concerning new media and social software.

He started at KL in 2002 to combine his passion of writing and internet as an editor for a dozen websites. He soon designed the functions and structure of websites of Disc, Knowledgeland, Digital Pioneers and Broadbandcity. Since 2007 he works as an consultant and researcher on Images for the Future. He holds a MS in Cognitive Psychology.