Tender Branson, the last surviving member of the Creedish Church, a death cult, is telling his life story into the black box as the plane goes down. He is all alone in the airplane, which will crash somewhere over the Australian outback.
In the book, every member of the Creedish Cult learns how to be a servant for the human race —most of them are butlers and maids —and fear most human pleasures. They await a sign from God to tell them to deliver themselves unto Him; that is, they must commit suicide.
The sign finally comes, and a good ten years later, Tender becomes the last surviving member of the cult. He is thrown into mainstream culture and becomes a personal icon for many people.
The chapters and pages are numbered backwards in the book, beginning with the last Chapter on last page and ending with page 1 of Chapter 1.
by Chuck Palahniuk
Survivor is a novel by Chuck Palahniuk, first published in February 1999.

Survivor - The novel of Chuck Palahniuk Found on Flickr by Old Creeper