Mediamatic Magazine Archive Blog
From 1985 to 2007, Mediamatic has published over 35 magazines and 12 CD/DVD-ROMs as a platform for new media and art. While we continue exploring new media for cultural development, we want to make sure our "Mediamatic History” won’t get lost.
CD-ROMs are Fun
An interview with the directors of ‘V.O.L.V.O /Airbag CD-ROM’
This CD-ROM is a transformation of an exhibition promoting Dutch new media artists (musical, time-based, computer-based art) from 1996. These artist are also the friends of the ‘V.O.L.V.O/ Airbag CD-ROM' directors, Jans Possel and Paul Groot.
Vergroot It is not hard to imagine that all the media pioneers and artists were very exited to explore the CD-ROM as a new form of storage media. From this exploring the V.O.L.V.O/ Airbag CD-ROM (1996) arose. This CD-ROM will show you things like pictures and videos chasing the cursor and flashing black and white numbers in the corner of a black screen to create a movie theater environment. The V.O.L.V.O/ Airbag CD-ROM was nominated for the Designprijs Rotterdam (Rotterdam Design Award)’ in 1996 and was…
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A day in a hackerspace
On Thursday 30 October we went to visit Simon Cleassen at Hack42 in Arnhem.
Vergroot On Thursday 30 October we went to visit Simon Cleassen at Hack42 in Arnhem.
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You are welcome to cut the magazine
How to digitalize a magazine that is made to emphasize the fact that it's made of paper.
Two Mediamatic Magazines (vol. 9 # 1 and vol. 9 # 4) are cut-out magazines. To see the inside of the Magazine you have to cut some pages.
Vergroot Mediamatic Issues Tijdens Mediamatic@BABY op zondag 3 oktober 1999 werd het uitkomen van The Printed Issue gevierd, met o.a. Dirk van Weelden die de CD-ROM Small World van Florian Thalhofer toelicht.
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(Artists) Talking Back To The Media
Back in time to the first year of Mediamatic Magazine
1985 was an important year for Mediamatic Magazine as for Dutch new media art in Amsterdam.
Vergroot In collaboration with de Appel arts centre, LIMA has recently made an inventory of the archives of 'Artists Talking Back to the Media'. This artist manifestation took place in the eighties, and combined playful interventions with raw critique of mass media and involved the participation of some leading international artists including John Baldessari, Barbara Kruger and General Idea. In the context of their archival research on this project, Camie Karstanje and Brigitte Bélanger curated the…
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"Doors of Perception 1" meet Basiliskll
Good news old-school Mediamatic fans shouldn't miss!
The "Doors of Perception 1” cd-rom was published in 1985. It was made for the first “Doors of Perception” conference, held in Amsterdam in that year. Now you can enjoy the cd-rom by simply following Mediamatic's step by step instructions.
Vergroot The Doors of Perception 1 cd-rom was published almost 20 years ago, and it won't play on any up to date computers. We have been trying to make it comes alive in many different ways. Finally, we managed to launch the cd-rom on an iMac G4 computer running OS7. An OS emulator can also be a good way to expand the audience for the 'Doors of Perception1' cd-rom. We've created a digital package with a simple tutorial, so now you can enjoy “Doors of Perception1 What is an emulator? Emulators are… Door: Joyce Chen_陳禹先
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The birth of Mediamatic Magazine
An interview with Willem Velthoven and Jans Possel.
To get a feel of Mediamatic Magazine and how it all started, we asked Jans Possel and Willem Velthoven some questions about the beginning of Mediamatic Magazine and the changes it went trough all the years it was published.
Vergroot V.l.n.r: Geert Lovink, Willem Velthoven, Maurice Nio, Jans Possel, Jorinde Seijdel. Hier ontbrekend: Paul Groot. (maakte hij de foto?)In de jaren 80 mocht er nog gerookt worden in het kantoor van Mediamatic. En sommige redacteuren deden dat inderdaad! Dit was het tweede kantoor in Amsterdam (na de Rijkskledingmagzijnen in de Conradstraat). Naast een aantal draaischijftelefoons (Ericson T77) zien we een Olivetti Lettera 32 typmachine (ontwerp Marcello Nizzoli) en een Atari ST 1024 computer. …
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