Myco Insulation Brewery Beers
The Myco Insulation Brewery team has been working on developing SMASH (Single Malt and Single Hop) beer recipes that reflect the flavours and aromas of their simple but characteristic beer process. So far there have been 6 brews (one every week), with changes made to both yeast and fermentation temperatures. Approximately 50 litres is brewed each time.
The team are using a modified brewing process for the beer as they are boiling the grains in a method of pasteurisation rather than removing them after the mashing process (as is normal practice). The reason for boiling the grains is so that there are less bacteria / micro organisms when they are inoculated with mycelium spawn (the second part of the Myco Insulation Beer Brewing process).
Beer o'Clock
The Test Batch beers are now available to try at Mediamatic ETEN. Because the brew batches are quite small, there are only between 24-30 bottles of each available, so you will have to be quick!
Test Batch Beer - Come and try the weekly brewed beers at Mediamatic ETEN.
Test Batch Taste Notes (Provided by Isa Miralles)
no. 29 SMASH SAISON (6.8%) A refreshing, medium fruity ale with a distinctive cloudy appearance, citrusy aromas, and a dry finish with a quenching sourness. A great beer for any kind of weather!
no. 30 SMASH SAISON (7%) A refreshing beer with medium bitterness and a dry finish. Medium to high alcohol content with a spicy character from the hops. This yeast strain showcases banana and clove-like ester and phenol flavours.
no. 31 SMASH APA (5.1%) A mild, fruity, easy-drinking, light golden-colour ale with a moderate bitterness. Pares well with a fish dish!
no. 32 SMASH APA (5.4%) A mild fruity, easy-drinking, golden-colour ale with a moderate bitterness. Medium maltiness with a slight sour finish.
*SAISON is a seasonal summer style originally produced by farm owners in Wallonia, the French-speaking part of Belgium. It had to be sturdy enough to last for months but not too strong to be quenching and refreshing in the summer. It is a characteristic unfiltered house-farm beer.
*AMERICAN PALE ALE is an American adaptation of the English Pale Ale, reflecting indigenous ingredients (hops, malt yeast and water). The APA is often lighter in colour, cleaner in fermentation by-products, and less caramel-flavoured than its English counterpart.
See you at the bar!
Myco Brewery Beer at Mediamatic ETEN - A proud moment for Isa!