#techMAP - everything mobile


4 Apr 2011
  • 18:30
  • Cafe Heffer
  • Oudebrugsteeg 7 , 1012 JN Amsterdam
  • By

We Are techMAP - tweet-up/meet-up with like minded people.
This month we'll be talking and exploring everything mobile


www.wearetechmap.com -

Half a billion people accessed mobile Internet worldwide in 2009 and expected to double within five years as mobile overtakes the PC as the most popular way to get on the Web. Expenditure on mobile advertising and marketing worldwide ranged from US$1.4 billion to $7.5 billion in 2009.

On April 7, we'll be fortunate to be joined by Jerry Lieveld, founder & managing director of mobtzu. Jerry founded mobtzu in 2010. He is committed to the revolution in digital and mobile but is pragmatic and understands the whole spectrum of media, channel choices and user centric design. Experienced in mobile, digital marketing, digital media, technology, design and user experience we should be in for a great session!

RSVP here: http://bit.ly/f9Rpmk