
Open Air Gentle Disco @DDW

Show your moves on the mycelium dance floor

17 Eki 2021

The Gentle Disco moves to Eindhoven during Dutch Design Week! Join us to dance on  mycelium while listening to some good dancing music by DJ Huppeldepup, and contribute to the building process of a pigeon tower. 


Arne Hendriks gently dancing on the mycelium bricks - During Dutch Design Week on the Ketelhuisplein in Eindhoven we danced and pressed the mycelium bricks from Verbruggen Paddestoelen. Arne Hendriks  builds pigeon towers with mycelium. These structures are an ongoing experiment to build with living mycelium waste from oyster mushroom farms.   Anisa Xhomaqi, Arne Hendriks, Verbruggen Paddestoelen, DJ Huppeldepup

Gentle Disco

Last year, artist Arne Hendriks started building pigeon towers with mycelium blocks at Mediamatic. He has been researching several techniques of building with the living material. One thing he discovered is that the blocks need to be pressed. Since March we have been experimenting with the method of dancing on top of the blocks in order to press them. It turns out that this is one of the most effective ways to prep the material, and besides that, it is just a lot of fun to dance on the warm and soft mycelium!

During Dutch Design Week, Arne is building pigeon towers at Strijp-S in Eindhoven and, of course, he needs us to dance there too. Get ready to show your moves on the mycelium dance floor at Ketelhuisplein!

Pigeon Towers

Arne builds pigeon towers with mycelium. These structures are an ongoing experiment to build with living mycelium waste from oyster mushroom farms. The project investigates questions such as: Can we build structures to house feral pigeons? What is the best design to build a tower with mycelium? And how long does it take for the bricks to grow together? Through experimenting with different shapes, and building structures, we see how the material responds, and if we can build a comfy living space for pigeons (or other animals?)

Arne Hendriks

Arne is an artist and researcher on human ecology. He explores the borders of specific cultural values that define our relationship with the planet. His projects include The Incredible Shrinking Man that researches if it is possible to downsize the human species to better fit the earth and Fatberg, the building of an island of fat. As a regular Mediamatic collaborator, he directed several projects to draw attention to our (sometimes twisted) relation with the planet and its resources, like Kool Abundance, The Starvation Experiment, and the building of a holy pigeon tower out of recycled newspapers.


Inhuman Carnaval at Dutch Design Week
Open Air Gentle Disco
17th October 2021, 14:00-15:30
Hari Hachi Bu village, Ketelhuisplein, Eindhoven 

Free entrance


The Gentle Disco crowd vibing on the tunes of DJ Huppeldepup - During Dutch Design Week on the Ketelhuisplein in Eindhoven we danced and pressed the mycelium bricks from Verbruggen Paddestoelen.  Arne Hendriks  builds pigeon towers with mycelium. These structures are an ongoing experiment to build with living mycelium waste from oyster mushroom farms. Anisa Xhomaqi, Arne Hendriks, Verbruggen Paddestoelen, DJ Huppeldepup


Putting some extra gentle weight on our building blocks - During Dutch Design Week on the Ketelhuisplein in Eindhoven we danced and pressed the mycelium bricks from Verbruggen Paddestoelen.  Arne Hendriks  builds pigeon towers with mycelium. These structures are an ongoing experiment to build with living mycelium waste from oyster mushroom farms. Anisa Xhomaqi, Arne Hendriks, Verbruggen Paddestoelen, DJ Huppeldepup


DDW visitors showing off their gentle moves - During Dutch Design Week on the Ketelhuisplein in Eindhoven we danced and pressed the mycelium bricks from Verbruggen Paddestoelen.  Arne Hendriks  builds pigeon towers with mycelium. These structures are an ongoing experiment to build with living mycelium waste from oyster mushroom farms. Anisa Xhomaqi, Arne Hendriks, Verbruggen Paddestoelen, DJ Huppeldepup


Some feet in the air during the Gentle Disco at DDW - During Dutch Design Week on the Ketelhuisplein in Eindhoven we danced and pressed the mycelium bricks from Verbruggen Paddestoelen.  Arne Hendriks  builds pigeon towers with mycelium. These structures are an ongoing experiment to build with living mycelium waste from oyster mushroom farms. Anisa Xhomaqi, Arne Hendriks, DJ Huppeldepup, Verbruggen Paddestoelen


Dancing on mycelium - Dancing on the mycelium while listening to DJ Huppeldepup at Inhuman Carnaval.  Arne Hendriks  builds pigeon towers with mycelium. These structures are an ongoing experiment to build with living mycelium waste from oyster mushroom farms. Caroline Aravicius, Arne Hendriks, DJ Huppeldepup, Verbruggen Paddestoelen


Dancing on mycelium - Dancing on mycelium while listening to DJ Huppeldepup at Inhuman Carnaval.  With our gentle dance moves we collectively press down the mycelium bricks to construct pigeon towers!  Arne Hendriks  builds pigeon towers with mycelium. These structures are an ongoing experiment to build with living mycelium waste from oyster mushroom farms. Caroline Aravicius, Arne Hendriks, DJ Huppeldepup, Verbruggen Paddestoelen


Dancing on mycelium - Dancing on mycelium while listening to DJ Huppeldepup at Inhuman Carnaval.  With our gentle dance moves we collectively press down the mycelium bricks to construct pigeon towers!  Arne Hendriks  builds pigeon towers with mycelium. These structures are an ongoing experiment to build with living mycelium waste from oyster mushroom farms. Caroline Aravicius, Arne Hendriks, DJ Huppeldepup, Verbruggen Paddestoelen