DOEN Pitch voorstel voor Publiek als Programmeur lotte zwijn

connected meaning

entangle cultural meaning with meaningful impressions

as a visistor you become an actor by adding feelings to objects and elaborate this feelings with own objects..(music, books, pictures, words..friends) in this way you can influence your own visit but if you share it also that from others

to be engaged we need to recognize a fimiliairity (shared interest), to be impressed an impression that brings you beyond the expected has to be created.. the goal is to elaborate the context of objects with a soft layer in which recognizable items will help to establish a link with the more abstract object. Doing this is posing the question if that connection is one you yourself would make and otherwise suggesting your own. Thus activating your thought about the object by which it grows it's changes to be memorable to you.

could be anyone, but the goals is younsters/twens, those with an impulse rich ordinary life wether it be there interest in sound, image or words.

cross borders of official art and popular entertainment to contextualize both

easy access and ease of use.. no barrieres to participate, share, collaborate & recognize content and contenders.

test environment, help/support with the geathering, interpretation and presentation of results. the (further)development of a businessperspective or scalability-plan for a sustainable application.