Activate your Stager Account


Dear all.

As of this week we will be using Stager for all of our personnel planning. This means that it will be super easy for everybody to gain insight in their upcoming bar/cleaning/event shifts :-)

Rosalie will implement Stager. For questions about your account, please go to her. Kamiel will schedule the Hospitality Bar shifts. And our new colleague Lisa will schedule the Events and Cleaning Schedule.

Please read this manual carefully and create your account a.s.a.p!


Log in at stager - yeay your first stager account

We are currently doing a ‘soft-launch’ with the software. Meaning that we will try to double check everything on all our platforms. From January it will be your responsibility to use Stager in the correct manner.

Off course we will keep you updated on all changes! And feel free to give me (rosalie) feedback about the usage of the system.


Stager account - Sign in to your stager account now!

Activating your Stager Web-User Account

Go to

Click “Maak een account aan” / “register”

Fill in ALL details. Use your mediamatic mail as default e-mail address.
You can add your personal email later

Click: Next

You will now see the “please confirm box” popping up.
Go to your e-mail inbox and confirm your subscribtion

You are now the proud owner of a Stager Web-User Account!

Under the section “My Shifts” you can find all of your upcoming shifts.
Please notify Kamiel and Lisa directly if you are unavailable to work.


Stager shifts - This is how you can view your shifts

Managing your Stager Account

At the moment we will schedule your shifts for and with you. But hopefully in the future you can send us your availability. We will let you know when this will change.

Furthermore you can change your password and details here and gain insight in your ‘tickets’. As soon as we will switch our ticketing system, this will be the place where you can find your free staff tickets for events.

Happy Stager-day!


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