Workshop Aquaponics

Saturday 5 March, 10:00 - 17:00

Do you want to learn how you can grow fish, fresh herbs and vegetables the whole year round? During the aquaponics workshop you can! Join us this Saturday and learn all about biology and sustainable urban farming.

Tickets** / Facebook

** Special discount for artists and freelancers.
Lunch not included.


workshop aquaponics - Veronica working with the aquaponics Lisanne Groenewoud

Coming up

March 19 - Melksalon: Aanmonsteren van de Verse Melk
In this new program we will focus on the bio-diversity and dairy farming in and around Amsterdam. With: Curator Sietske Klooster and Speakers: Mathijs Lak van Marqt, Micha Lubbers and Jan de Wit
Note: this will be in Dutch only.

April 2 - Masterclass Prototyping Bodies with Agi Haines
How will environmental pressures impact our malleable body? And what can we do to guide human evolution? Join in the masterclass with bio-artist Agi Haines (winner 2015 BAD award) and prototype the future ‘you.’ Full day program including casting materials, coffee and tea.
Tickets: Students and Artists €105,- / Regulars: €150,-

April 7 - Smell blind: Anosmia - Odorama
What are the effects if you can't smell. Anosmia is the inability to perceive odor or a lack of function olfaction.
With: Kirsten Jaarsma, Dorien Scheltens and Sanne Boesveldt

Mediamatic Biotoop,
Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam

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