Mediamatic Foundation

Newsletter 23/03

What's going on?

Here's the weekly staff newsletter so that you know what's going on this week, and to share important information and fun facts.


Wild Time Second Edition - Promotional image Koen Nutters

New colleagues

Last couple of weeks we have welcomed a couple of new colleagues: Steven van den Haak as web editor, Idan Brull as photographer, Monserrat Higareda for production and Isabella for the Micro brewery. They won't bite so say hi to them when you meet them.


staff letter 23-03 -

Cleanlab almost done

It has cost us blood sweat, tears and lots of cake from Ramon, but the cleanlab is almost done. So thanks to everybody who supported the team to finish the Cleanlab


This Easter Sunday we will organize Wild Time for the second time. So if you are not brunching with your family, you can always come to Mediamatic and have a drink with some music.

People leaving

This moth we will have to say goodbye to three of our coworkers: Juul has already started at a new job, Anna will end her internship at the end of the month and nobody is sure when Catherine will leave. On the fifth of April we will will have a going a away drink.


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Other business

Next Tuesday it is Emma her birthday. So congratulazioni.