The Way We Go + Preparing the Memorial Carving…
Hier wordt The Way We Go + Preparing the Memorial Carving for Omama van Roy Villevoye verteld door Sabrina Kamstra
Sophie Throsby in het bos - Sophie Throsby
I’m studying cultural and social development in Utrecht. When I’m not studying or working I’m making food, talking to my plants and reading. At Mediamatic I will focus on education and developing ways to make a sustainable program.
Hier wordt The Way We Go + Preparing the Memorial Carving for Omama van Roy Villevoye verteld door Sabrina Kamstra
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Hier wordt October 18, 1977 van Gerhard Richter door Anna Tilroe beschreven.
Radio van Jean Tinguely 1962 told by Zeger Reyers.
Hier wordt Zelfportret op jeugdige leeftijd van Rembrandt beschreven door Wim Pijbes.
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Have you ever wondered what it is like to not be able to see art? During the Museum Night our Invisible Collection was launched. A collection of artworks told by Peter Vandermeersch, Dirk van Weelden