Fedora Boonaert



Portrait of Fedora Boonaert - Vu Ha

Fedora Boonaert has been immersed in culture since childhood. This passion led her to pursue art history studies in Ghent. Fedora's thirst for exploration led her to the Netherlands, where she enrolled in the Eindhoven Design Academy's Contextual Design program.

Fedora Boonaert's artwork consistently delves into the realms of history, feminist narratives, and the brutal persecution of women labeled as witches. She challenges the stereotypical image of a witch as a grotesque crone, exposing the historical roots of this misconception.

During her first year at the academy, Fedora stumbled upon a fascinating discovery: a 16th-century herbal book. This text documented the medicinal properties of plants and herbs, including those traditionally used by women for purposes like birth control, which were later outlawed. Fedora's curiosity was sparked, and this herbal became the cornerstone of her thesis project. Titled "A Herbal Re-Renaissance: Uncovering Wise Women's Botanical Knowledge from Sixteenth-Century Mechelen," the project aimed to reclaim lost knowledge about medicinal herbs. Through her research, Fedora examined the complex relationship between universities, medical institutions, and the witch persecutions that ravaged the city of Mechelen in the 16th century.

Contact information

  • Fedora Boonaert