20 Posters
In December, Festisvall commissioned 20 German, Dutch and Icelandic artists to design posters with the theme “food”. We chose the fixed medium of posters since that would make an easily portable exhibition. All the artists have turned in their work and we are halfway through screen printing them in our studio in Berlin.
4 Bands
Berndsen - website
Samaris- soundcloud
M-Band - Youtube
Good Moon Dear - Youtube
20 Artists
Anne Fellner & Burkhard Beschow (DE)
Anouk Kruithof (NL)
Árni Már Erlingsson (IS)
Baldvin Einarsson (IS)
Bogomir Doringer (NL)
Cosima zu Knyphausen (DE)
Dóra Hrund Gísladóttir (IS)
Georg Weißbach & Paul Bowler as ART N MORE (DE)
Halla Einarsdóttir (IS)
Hanna Stiegeler (DE)
Hrafnhildur Gissurardóttir & Petra Valdimarsdóttir (IS)
Hrafnhildur Helgadóttir (IS)
Hrefna Hörn Leifsdóttir (IS)
Ívar Glói Gunnarsson (IS)
Maurits de Bruijn (NL)
Rachel de Joode (NL)
Sigurður Atli Sigurðsson (IS)
Till Wittwer (DE)
Xavier Fernández Fuentes (NL)
Þorvaldur Jónsson (IS)
Festisvall Fünf
11 September: Opening Exhibition and Performance by Hermigervill
12 September: Exhibition and Performance by Moon Dear, Samaris, M-Band and Berndsen.
Free of charge.
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam
Dijkspark - Openings Festival
This events will take place during the Dijkspark - Openings Festival. 3 Days of Art, Food and Micro-Organisms. Go here to see our program for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Public enjoying Festisvall Fünf - Public enjoying different bands at Festisvall Fünf.