Performance by Saskia Cherry
In 2000 Salons in Society BABY will be once again organised. On February the 6 a performance by Saskia Cherry Tree. Her dance Textus was this afternoon a representation of a text according to ancient storytelling principles from South India. Central to this was a poem/song composed in Tamil which was framed by two abstract dance pieces where mostly the lines and rhythm was important.
performance door Saskia Kersenboom - Mediamatic Lounge@BABY, 6 februari 2000
Robot Puppy Laika
On March the 6, the salon was dedicated to the robot dog Laika, the AIBO Mediamatic. A choreography is performed with Laika in the lead.
Maki Ueda at Mediamatic Salon @ BABY
On the 7th of May, Maki Ueda was a guest. She creates animations and installations and talks about three of its projects, Hole in the Earth, Teletext and Jack-in-a-post. In honor of the twentieth anniversary of Teletext, animation Ueda aired on page 379, NPS teletext.
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Ballroom Dance in Society BABY
During the salon on July the 2nd a ballroom dance couple comes by, next to the speakers.
The living artist-astronaut
November the 5th, 2000. This edition presents salon Debra Solomon the living-artist-astronaut. She transports through hypno-techniques 10 artists to the year 2030 and let them discuss their role in space. Dirk van Weelden presents the digital creatures and furry friends of Karl Sims and Tom Ray and how they are "bred". Students of the HKU present their special computer for the blind.
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Playstation meets Organism
At Felix Meritis in the beginning of September the seminar Playstation meets Organism took place. Several speakers reflect on the concept of emulation in game design, artificial intelligence, biology and art. At the same time there is the opportunity to explore this concept further in practice: participants can breathe new life in floating tanks and can experiment with computer games.
Playstation meets Organism seminar - Felix Meritis, september 2000
Workshop Behaviour Designs
In 2000 Mediamatic organises a new workshop series, entitled Behaviour Design. These workshops are about interactivity, the most culturally significant feature of the new media. As the workshop brochure makes clear:
Interactive media, as opposed to old media, show their own behaviour towards their users. You can design that behaviour. Cultural development in the new media demands that we learn how to design the behaviour of the media and how to give it meaningful content.
Some areas are covered in the workshop: multiplayer games, new educational projects, emergent behaviour in complex systems and gaming behaviour from a biological point of view. The workshop are titled: Players & Rules, Topology Information and Click, Tic & Beat.