The first project that I would like to highlight is actually something that a couple of people independently mentioned. Focusing around social interaction, touch and the recordings of these moments Gilles Seth and Axel showcased their thoughts. It started when Gilles mentioned a simple staring game that would record the moment the loser looks away. Centering around the RFID-technology of the Iktag this could be easily attached to the players profile. Seth Hunter expanded on this with a series of ideas around a dislocated staring contest. Having a staring contest through camera's that are aimed at the participants faces. Axel later added an idea to make the contest more evocative He proposed a multi-sensory element. Through inserting a black closed off box in which the players can insert their hands people are encouraged to touch each other while staring. The reaction to the touch can be lovely or awkward depending on the relation of the participants.
Technologies: Motion Sensor (blinking sensor?), RFID (IkTag)
One of the more developed concepts and again something a lot of people jumped onto was the idea of having embedded sensors with people at a party. For instance think of a party where guests get glowsticks that are equipped with motion sensors, different kinds of leds, some sort of gps-signal and what not. All the data collected through the sensors could be transmitted to a central point where some kind of party DNA can be collected. Still sounds abstract doesn't it? Well the glowstick could perhaps show different colors of leds (or change the speed of blinking) when shaken faster (through dancing?). This makes it possible to see where the party is or what kind of atmosphere of different areas of a venue are. Kendra then added to include some kind of social element through making a time lapse documentation that differs from person to person (based on the moments the input to the sensors is the most extreme). This could possibly be featured on someone's profile page and could be linked to people who have a similar 'montage'. You might like this and that person because his time lapse was similar to yours. Again enough ideas..
Technology: Motions Sensors, Humidity Sensors (think about all the sweat!), LED's, GPS, Arduino etc. etc.
dev camp day 2 - Seth Hunter (left) talking to Luis Rodil-Fernadez at Dev Camp '10.
Listening to your body is important, but some people just seem to be just plain deaf! Again Kendra came up with the idea of making an installation that through sensors documents the lack of certain social and physical needs. So for instance when we are eating a lot of sugar/fat and getting a bit fat from it nobody let's us know. She proposed a system that communicates the problems that your unaware of. This data could be freely spread and result in people reaching out and helping each other fill those needs. For instance an augmented reality application that says X needs a hug or Y should maybe watch his stress level (take him/her out already!) Give your body a voice.
Technology: Humidity Sensor, Social Software Tracking System, Arduino
Making social drawings through light that fades out over time. We could point a camera at a window and a projector. You can paint on the window by touching it and the lines you sue for drawing could change through the physical interaction of participants. Eelco then added that this could be done through measuring the distance and the height of the participants. In turn these documents (them being either film or photo's or even time lapse) could be send to other people through the network and attached to someones profile.
Technology: Motion Sensors, Camera, Arduino, Kinect?
Fabienne proposed a knit history bio tapestry. Based on the concept of a Bayeux Tapestry that in past times was regularly used to tell stories and document histories. This modern version could be a camera based knitting machine that knits and reacts to the movements, social interactions and all kinds of human output. She also said that there could be some data points that sense biometric data of people in a given space and attendance sensors that would influence the creation of the tapestry. The appliance could also be linked to the social network. Characteristics of people that are registered attendees at a event documented by the modern Bayeux knitting machine could be tagged into the tapestry. There could also be digital versions of the Bayeux. Also a visual representation of the pattern that the machines is "planning" to knit could be projected to make it more interactive and give people the chance to actively influence the future patterns.
Technology: Tons and tons of Sensors, Hackable Knitting Machine, Arduino etc. etc.
And last but not least there were a few concepts surrounding the use and abuse of alcohol and the registration of drinking and socializing around it. This could for instance mean a social beambtenbar that forces you to interact with people to get permission to have a drink. Also a beer glass tracking system was proposed by Axel. With RFID- chips in the bottom of each glass you would be able to registrated the circulation of a glass during an evening. By also tagging the consumers of the drink you would be able to connect people who drank from the same glass during one event. This could result in to creepy interaction to previous users of the glass.
Technology: RFID, Readers, Arduino