Jolien Ruiter

QR Code in Ministeck

Handcrafted QR codes

Mixing the old with the new, mixing business with pleasure. Making QR Codes in Ministeck is only the first attempt to make these pesky codes physically more attractive.


The QR-team - The QR-team busy with making QR-codes with ministecks at Mediamatic. Simone Schoutens

Always trying to make better connections between the (social) network and the physical, we immediately started our new project. See here the results of our Ministeck meeting. Try the QR Codes with the scanner on your mobile phone, and see for yourself if they work. Want to learn how to make them yourself? Join our workshop on March 8!

Ministeck was invented by Helmut Gottwald in 1965. In the late 1990s it became an independent firm in Germany. If you read German, check out the German wikipedia page about Ministeck.

What other pixel techniques would be suitable for making QR–codes more attractive and durable?