Knowledge Page Alix Briere

Hortus Dijkspark Knowledge

What is the Hortus Dijkspark project?

This project is used to keep tract of the extensive list of plants we have growing here at Mediamatic. We tract their growing location (see 'Hortus Map'), some general plant information such as their perfect growing season, taste and colour. We also keep record of the plants' medicinal properties and/or toxicity (see 'Plant Database')


Find the 'Hortus Map' here to locate the growbeds.

Click here to access Mediamatic's 'Plant Database' to find a list of plants we have in the Biotoop with their current location and their medicinal properties.


  • Add plant locations to database (Excel sheet in Mediamatic Drive)
  • Add missing plant webpages (see plant database and Mediamatic website) + attach missing links from website to their Latin name for easier access
  • (gradually) Add information about plants to Hortus page, include their taste and the edible/usable parts of the plant
  • Check off list for printing plant signs (see to-do list for Hortus Dijkspark on the knowledge page)
  • Contact Menno or Robert for plant and growbed signs (if not found in barn --> order them) + see to-do list for Hortus Dijkspark on the knowledge page

Suggestions for future interns:

  • Continue the Fennel project, write a blogpost 
  • Finish filling in the 'Plant Database'
  • Finish mapping the Hortus