My name is Mas. I've lived in the center of Amsterdam all of my life. I love to see the countless ways in which life finds its way in the city. Plants arrest my attention whenever they do something I didn't think was possible. There are some real rascals among them, growing in cracks they're not supposed to. I let them get away with it though. Sometimes I lose sight of the bigger picture because I focus on these little details, but my biology bachelors keeps me on track. I think we are facing some important questions regarding our relationships to the other organisms in this world. I think Mediamatic has a lot of fun exploring these questions.

Mediamatic Biotoop
Terugblik Japanse Duizendknoop Symposium
lief je gast – opening van het Japanse Duizendknoop Festival
We blikken terug op een tweedaagse bijeenkomst met onderzoekers, ontwerpers en kunstenaars, waarin de Japanse duizendknoop en onze omgang met deze plant is onderzocht. De duizendknoop is in een nieuw