Matilde Calamandrei

Updates from the aquaponics

Bad news, good news: a critical examination of what happened in the greenhouse

The accident arises doubts on the ethic of this practice


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It is with a heavy heart that I provide an update on recent developments within the greenhouse, particularly concerning the aquaponics farm—a project that was conceived to grow plants and fishes with minimal environmental impact while fostering a symbiotic relationship among various organisms.

Since the inception of Mediamatic, the company has maintained a commitment to celebrating life and nurturing an environment where all living creatures, from plants to animals and bacteria, coexist harmoniously. Mediamatic's dedication to inclusivity, especially regarding minorities and underrepresented groups, has been a cornerstone of our ethos.

In alignment with evolving ethical considerations the restaurant embraced vegan principles. As a result we also stopped eating the fish. The greenhouse persisted as a bastion of our commitment to sustainability, and continued providing plants for Mediamatic ETEN. The fish stayed as contributors to the aquaponic system. So, apart of the moral issue of captivity, things were progressing positively.

That was until we undertook a significant decision in pursuit of enhanced sustainability. The decision was made to lower the water temperature from 17 to 7 degrees Celsius, in order to reduce electricity consumption. This choice proved to be a catastrophic one, resulting in an 90% mortality rate among our fish population. The fishes who didn't freeze to death, died by ammonia poisoning as the days passed. 


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As we navigate through the backwash of this incident, it becomes imperative to address not only the immediate repercussions but also the deeper implications that challenge the very fabric of our organizational values: this incident serves as a catalyst for introspection and prompts us to reevaluate how we align our actions with the principles we hold dear. The incident has sparked a deeper reflection on the alignment of our company's values. We express our deep regret for what transpired and hope that, moving forward, a more responsible and considerate behaviour will prevail.