Meret and Cecile at Paddestoelen Paradijs
This picture was taken by an ikCam at the Paddestoelen Paradijs exhibition at Mediamatic Bank, 2012.
Meret op Kom je Ook? 2 borrel -
Future Planet Studies (UvA), Vonk (vonked.nl), and Professional Rebel (.nl). Social entrepreneurship, co-creation, crowdsourcing, learning-by-doing, all buzzy blabla concept words..., one might think. Yet, without, no forwardism. &I LIKE. Ps: I love listening, reading and writing. This I do for Troost, every Monday at the Fabriek.
When I googled Forwardism, after already 'accepting it', this was the first hit: "Forwardism is a ideology about uniting people through the use of thinking, doing and moving foward while bearing in mind the lasting effects. It was created and announced by King Dope the then-leader of the now defunt EUFN[1] on October 20th, 2008 at 12:29am. The official colour of the ideology is said to be green."
Future Planet Studies, UvA. Even though this slightly implies science fiction and astronauts scenarios, I 'just' focus on this planet: Earth. Sustainability, the greening of the self, ideology, dreams and fears, economies and technology. Following courses policy sciences in tandem I'm hoping to make myself ready to contribute to a better & greener world.
At the inspiring environment of Mediamatic, I organize the Open Calendar and tempt to reveal 'buzzes' in hometown Amsterdam. Besides that I'm an active member of the "Commissie Duurzaamheid" of the UvA/HvA and currenty involved with the production of events held at Mediamatic BANK to raise green consciousness.