Bokashi Containers

Composting with microorganisms

The organic waste coming from the kitchen of Mediamatic ETEN finds a special companion in its composting process: the Bokashi container. This system uses effective microorganisms to enable low oxygen levels in the compost tank, so food waste will be fermented into fertile soils with the most optimal results. That way the herbs and vegetables growing in the Aquaponics greenhouse get their nutrients in circular fashion! 


Bokashi at Mediamatic - Bokashi is a special composting system provided by Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief. They installed their buckets at Mediamatic in early 2017. Nanouck van Iersel

Bokashi Containers

Bokashi is the Japanese word for "fermenting organic matter', a concept not unknown to Mediamatic's identity with its many circular systems and sustainable sentiment. Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief installed their Bokashi bucket is a way to turn organic waste into nutrient rich compost. It does so by a fermenting process in which beneficial microbes are activated that flourish in anaerobic, acidic environments but smell less foul than do those in unfettered, natural anaerobic conditions.


Bokashi keukenemmer - Bokashi is a special composting system provided by Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief. They installed their buckets at Mediamatic in early 2017. Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief

Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief

Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief is a 25 year old organisation located in the south of Friesland that works with EM (Effective Microorganisms), creating products that fertilise the soil in a natural way. Simone Vos, EM specialist at this company, introduced the Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief at Zuursalon: Take Care of Your Waste in 2016 and installed the bucket in early 2017.


Bokashi at Mediamatic - Bokashi is a special composting system provided by Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief. They installed their buckets at Mediamatic in early 2017. Nanouck van Iersel