Adaptogens are herbs, roots, and fungi that can help an organism adapt to all kinds of stress. Throughout history, the way our body reacts to stress hasn’t changed. Whether you get attacked by a sabre tooth tiger or missed another deadline, your body activates the same resistance mechanisms in your body. Your heart rate increases, your breathing speeds up, and hormones like adrenaline are released to provide you with energy and concentration for whatever stressful situation you may be confronted with.
After this resistance phase, your body faces exhaustion, and you may experience tiredness, anxiety and depression. On the one hand, Adaptogens can help you calm down while your body tries to resist the stress and, on the other hand, provide you with energy in the phase of exhaustion by balancing your body’s hormone production. In the long run, they can train your body to handle the effects of stress, make you sleep better and reduce anxiety.

Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Morus alba
Find more about this plant on Wikipedia .
Red Sage
Salvia miltiorrhiza
Find more about this plant on Wikipedia .
Knowledge Page Alix Briere
Hortus Dijkspark Knowledge
What is the Hortus Dijkspark project?
This project is used to keep tract of the extensive list of plants we have growing here at Mediamatic. We tract their growing location (see 'Hortus Map'), some general plant information such as their...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Hortus Dijkspark
1May 20181May 2028Rondom onze Biotoop groeit een grote verscheidenheid aan planten, van genezend tot giftig, van donkergroen tot paars. Je kunt Hortus Dijkspark op elk moment bezoeken. Klik hier om meer te weten te...
Apple mint
Mentha suaveolens
Find more about this plant on Wikipedia .
Chinese angelica
Angelica sinensis
Chinese Angelica has been used for more than one thousand years as a spice, tonic and medicine. Also known as Dong Quai, especially in traditional Chinese medicine, this plant is amongst the most...
Bambusa arundinaceae
Aphrodisiac properties The bamboo has played an important role in East Asia, as part of spiritual life, as a building material, and indeed, as an aphrodisiac! ( ) It is the bamb(oo la...
Astragalus membranaceus
Find more about this plant on Wikipedia .
Adaptogens are herbs, roots, and fungi that can help an organism adapt to all kinds of stress. Throughout history the way our body reacts to stress hasn’t changed. Whether you get attacked by a saber...
Willem Velthoven
In Heaven, there is no Information.
I'm an award winning designer, learner and cultural enterpreneur. I co-founded Mediamatic in 1983. I worked as director of mediamatic till summer 2024 together with my co-founder Jans Possel. I am...