Bebe Melkor-Kadior


Portrait of Bebe Melkor-Kadior - Image credit: Marie Rouge Bebe Melkor-Kadior

Bebe Melkor-Kadior is a pluridisciplinary performance artist and pro-choice afro feminist author. From fire breathing to sword swallowing and adult films performances, she works with her body as to defy social norms and create a powerful narrative around the feminine. In her book 'Balance ton Corps, manifeste pour le droit des femmes à disposer de leur corps', she defends the right for women and queer people to be "sluts" without being disrespected, questions the way society envisions bodies, sexuality and respectability while sharing her experiences as a proud sex worker, self-proclaimed slut, spiritual being and contemporary thinker.

Contact information

  • Bebe Melkor-Kadior

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