Dr. Garmt Dijksterhuis
Garmt Dijksterhuis will present different aspects of our experience of eating. He will introduce us to the many sensory systems that we use when we eat, taste, smell, see, touch, and more. All these systems interact, resulting in a very complicated picture of sensory impressions. But there’s more. There are psychological effects that originate from what somehow ended up in your memory during previous food-related situations. Both the sensory and the psychological together result in your perception of your surroundings, and in your liking them or not.
Prof. Dr. E.P. Köster
Have you ever been tempted into buying a product just by experiencing a particular odour? According to Prof. Dr. E.P. Köster, one of the leading international researchers in odour perception, this isn't suprising. More and more often sensory marketing is being used by producers and suppliers to sell products to consumers. Tonight Köster will enrich us with knowledge about the dynamics of odour preferences, and the increasing relevance of using senses within the marketing field.
Margherita Soldati
Margherita is a designer fascinated by studying the visual, tactile and sensorial perception of the world around her. Smell is the most primordial human sense but it is often forgotten. Every breath inhales molecules, even when we sleep. It all flows into our brain and subconscious. Smell is also a strong reminder and it works in a different way for each person. Margherita's work 'Scents Apparatus' aims to create a direct interaction between man, space and scent. The scent is activated when a person blows into the vase, rather than being passively perceived. In this way a stronger connection and a greater awareness is developed with the smell. These vases will be on display this evening.
Mediamatic Eten Pizzas
This evening ticket holders will be able to purchase a delicious coconut and mushroom-based Pizza Nero for €10,- instead of the usual €13,-.
Pizza Nero - Delicious coconut and mushroom-based pizza cooked in our wood-fired clay oven.
Odorama 7: The Psychology of Smell
Thursday May 12th
Drinks and food from 18:00, talks at 20:30*
Tickets: Pre-sale €7,50 / Door: €10,- / Students €5,-** / Free for We Are Public members
*Drinks and food are not included in the ticket price
**Please bring your student card to the ticket service
Please note that this talk is in English