
QR-Code Ministeck Workshop

'Steck' together your own readable QR-code

8 mrt 2012

In this workshop you'll learn what QR-codes are, how they work, how they're used and most importantly, how you can make one in a fun analogue way. Since we are always trying to make connections between the online- and offline world, we found yet another nice way to connect the digital with the analogue. Try the QR Codes with the scanner on your mobile phone, and see for yourself that they really work.


Het resultaat - Bezoekers laten het resultaat van hun QR-code uit ministeck zien tijdens de workshop. Margarita Osipian


QR Code — abbreviated from Quick Response Code — is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) first designed for the automotive industry. More recently, the system has become popular outside of the industry due to its fast readability and large storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. Ministeck was invented by Helmut Gottwald in 1965. In the late 1990s it became an independent firm in Germany. If you read German, check out the German wikipedia page about Ministeck.


Ministecken bij Mediamatic BANK. - QR-Codes maken bij de QR-code Ministeck Workshop. QR-Codes maken bij de [QR-code Ministeck Workshop]. Margarita Osipian

Met: Heleen


Concentratie bij het ministecken - Bezoekers maken hun eigen QR-code in ministeck tijdens de QR-code Ministeck Workshop. Margarita Osipian


In this workshop you will make digital readable codes with the campy analogue material mini-steck. It's easy and fun! We start with a short introduction about QR-codes. Why were they made, how do they work and what is the future of these new tracking and informative codes? After that we will generate our own QR-codes and make them with the little mini-steck pieces. Then you'll be ready to test if your code is readable with your smart phone.


BNN bij de QR-code Ministeck Workshop - BNN interviewt een aanwezigen bij de QR-code Ministeck Workshop. Margarita Osipian


Workshop ministecken - Bezoeker bezig met het ministecken van haar QR-code tijdens de QR-code Ministeck Workshop. Margarita Osipian


The workshop takes place on Thursday evening from 19.30 till 21.30 in Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68, Amsterdam. Participation costs € 15 inc. VAT. Please click on 'buy a ticket' at the top of this page to proceed. Of course you can take your hand-made mini-steck QR-code home so you can continue making new ones whenever you want! If you have questions please mail Deborah Meibergen.


Janneke showt het resultaat - QR-code Ministeck Workshop. Margarita Osipian


Nog even door steckken - Bezoeker laat het resultaat van haar QR-code zien na afloop van de workshop. Margarita Osipian


Met je QR-code voor de ikCam - Bezoeker maakt een foto met de ikCam bij de QR-code Ministeck Workshop. Margarita Osipian