We willen afstappen van het gebruik van schoon kraanwater voor het irrigeren van de planten van de Mediamatic Biotoop. In plaats van kraanwater richten we ons nu op twee alternatieve bronnen: regenwater en grachtenwater. Hier komt een hoop bij kijken. Lees op deze blog mee over onze bevindingen.
Amsterdam, the picturesque capital of the Netherlands, is a city rich in history and culture. While its iconic canals, historic architecture, and vibrant atmosphere captivate visitors, the city's geology plays a crucial role in shaping its present-day vegetation. In this blog post, we will delve…
When I started working at Mediamatic, I did not expect to be using the abbreviation IBC as much as I have. It therefore should not come as a surprise that the versatile intermediate bulk container has many applications in our Biotoop. They function as aquariums, grow beds, streetlights and their…
What are the units for salinity? Can they be converted into one another, to homologate research data?
Salinity is the concentration of dissolved salts in water; it is a critical parameter in various fields, including oceanography, environmental science, and water quality monitoring. Salinity plays a crucial role in influencing various facets of the chemical composition of natural water and the…