Hier vind je onze teamleden die werken aan Korreltje Zout.
Hier vind je onze teamleden die werken aan Korreltje Zout.
Hello! My name is Jip. I recently got my bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences and started at Mediamatic shortly after. My work here is centered in the aquaponics greenhouse and the garden.
Hi, I'm Jishuang. In Mediamatic, I completed a utopian project and a series of drawings, 3Ds, site analyses to help rethink the art centre's outdoor space. I also worked in aquaponics and assisted in...
Hello! I'm Matilde, a graduant student in Herbal Sciences from Pisa University. Nature has always been my source of inspiration, arousing awe with the countless ways it can dance with human...
Hello, I'm Max.
I'm Andreas, and I did my mandatory internship of my 3rd study year in Horticulture and Business management at the HAS Green Academy here at Mediamatic.
I work with Mediamatic since February 2011. At the moment I'm self employed at zone5 . I’m nifty with media and I love to be the helping hand, whenever I'm needed. I love to explore interactivity in...