Twijfel Zaaien
Are you fundamentally lonely? Do you break taboos? Join us and start Raising Doubts (Twijfel Zaaien) in Amsterdam's newest hotspot: Dijkspark. Thirty questions about life and art lead you along the green walkway. You answer these questions by sowing flowerseeds. This way your answers will grow out to become part of a lush infographic. And you will get to know what type of artist you would have been!
Casting Doubt seedcard - Close up of the Casting Doubts seedcard filled with 60 different seeds.
Public Insight: Twijfel Zaaien
23 August 15:00 - 16:00
Tickets: Exclusive for members of We Are Public.
Incl. bubbels, Twijfel Zaaien answercard and Mediamatic Lidmaatschap
Reservation: mail to, subject "Twijfel".
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam
Twijfel Zaaien is made possible by
Gemeente Amsterdam, Het Mondriaan Fonds, Creatieve Industrie, Stichting Stokroos, AKV St. Joost, Tuin Joop,Cruydthoek,De Godin,Bolderik,Silene,123 Zaden,Velt,Zaadhof, De Nieuwe Tuin and Seed Care.
Sponsors: Amsterdam, Stimuleringsfonds, Mondriaan Fonds - Three of the sponsors of Mediamatic.
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Op September 12 we will celebrate the big opening of Dijkspark. Stay tuned for more info.