Making bio-diesel is really easy. The process, called transesterification, involves replacing an ester connection with an alcohol one, replacing glycerine with methanol. Farmers, survivalists, and off-the-grid counter-citizens have been brewing their own diesel since forever. Whereas in the 90s it lead to bad practices such as mono-cropping, these days it is seen as a good way to recycle waste, sometimes even leading processing companies to compete over waste oil.
We start the workshop with an introduction about the history, usage and alchemy of bio-diesel. After a demonstration by the trainer, you will have a go at the process yourself. After just a few hours you will have made your own bottle of bio-diesel, ready to take home and use! Find out more about the process on João's profile page.
Trainer Joao explains the process -
Mediamatic and alternative production
At Mediamatic we are researching and experimenting with sustainable technologies and products. We are growing our own fish and vegetables in a vertical aquaponics farm, and preparing it in the Diesel Kantine, which we developed in collaboration with João. The Diesel Kantine runs on local energy, and provides food for the local community. A small-scale, sustainable cycle.
More information
The workshop takes place on Thursday October 25 from 19.00 to 22.00 at Mediamatic Fabriek, Oostenburgereiland Amsterdam. You can either pay with money (€ 45,-) or exchange the workshop for 3 shifts of volunteer work at our exhibition space. In that case, 'buy' the €0,- volunteer-ticket and we'll get in touch shortly. Please e-mail Deborah Meibergen if you have any questions. The instruction language is English. Directions on how to get to Mediamatic Fabriek can be found here.