Some tissues were woven flawlessly shows a perfect chess pattern. By allowing errors, or changing the method, the final fabric becomes much more dynamic. Those specific fabrics suggested an alternative concept of a QR code. This digital pattern, consisting of two contrasting colours, is comparable to a barcode that you find on your groceries.
The code forms a label, containing information about an attached link. By scanning the code/ label with your smartphone or other smart devices, you get immediately redirected to the attached link. It is an easy shortcut to a website of a product, and it looks more refined.
Generating a personal label is quite simple. Just type 'Code Generator'. Pick any website. Copy-paste your preferred URL- link. The code is instantly ready to download. If the label looks too complicated? Go to the website Bitly and copy-paste your URL-link again. This application will 'shorten' or simplify your URL-link. Use this new link to generate another code. That is precisely how I did. The link of my research page on Mediamatic has now been generated in a code or digital pattern. I used a data matrix code instead of a QR code which is in terms of design more interesting.