Day of the Media Labs (invitation only)

Collaborative Innovation: Redefining the Media Lab and the Community

The Amsterdam based Media Guild is proud to be (co) organiser of the following events at PICNIC ’07.

Title event: Day of Media Labs Part1 (invitation only)
Subtitle event: Redefining the Media Lab and the Community
Event partner: Media Guild and PICNIC
Date: 9/25/2007
Location(s) of Event: Raadzaal in Flexbar
Maximum capacity (if in theatre setting): 20
Timeslot: 14.00 - 18.00

Time schedule Event:
13:30 – 14:00 hrs Welcome
14:00 – 15:30 hrs Start Program
15:30 – 15:45 hrs Break
15:45 – 17:45 hrs End of program
17:45 – 18:00 hrs Load out

Tuesday September 25th 2007 in collaboration with PICNIC, Media Guild organises ‘The day of the Media Labs’ (Part 1) where a selected group of Media Labs from around the world will discuss the future of the Media Labs in relation to Media Innovation, Research, Social and Cultural Application, and Regional Development.

The aim is to explore the perceived role of “media-lab” type institutes, their current creative work, and potential collaboration formats. We will discuss such aspects as:

- Understanding/Use of the term “media lab”. Present relevance
- Methodologies for innovation / creativity applied across disciplines and cultures
- Changing cultural, social and economic role,
- Public/private, project-oriented funding
- Long-term/short-term research and development models
- Local/global community relationship

For more information also visit:

Or for part 2 on Wednesday morning go here: