New Dress Fashion Performance
New Dress Fashion Performance. Esther Meijer, Martin Butler, Rene SG and Jan Jansen present on January 18th this evening the new fashion collection Cube with a rousing performance. On January 17th was another fashion evening at the Hanazuki 3 Year Anniversary Party. With fashion Aiko, Faith21, ZEDZ, So Sally and Hip Hop Circus and music by Shablo live with Big Boy Caprice and Ninthe, Ubee, June DJ, DJ Samidi and Cabanne. Nieuw Jurk Fashion Performance - Photo taken at Mediamatic, by Marc Deurloo.
Ik R.I.P.
The exhibition Ik R.I.P. running from January 30th till April 12th about death and self-representation on the internet. We have The Travelers, a series of portraits by Elizabeth Heyert death; coffins from Ghana; the computer game The Graveyard. There are also being coffins shown made by artists that served as inspiration for a workshop called 'Coffin for your Beloved', meant for relatives whom are left behind. Also, visitors can have a 'test lie' in a coffin and the website Ik R.I.P. is launched. On the website, anyone can specify what should happen to your online profile after you die.
During the opening on January 30th of Ik R.I.P. Mediamatic's own coffin was unveiled, designed in the shape of a teddy bear by Mediamatic assistant Anuschka Linse and imported from Ghana. On the basis of Anuschka's dimensions and simple sketch artisan Eric Adotey Naah made the coffin especially for her. See here the documentation of the order.
Anuschka past in haar kist! - 30 januari 2009: de opening van Ik R.I.P.
Within Mediamatic Atelier Bram Loogman and Alice Bodanzky developed the interactive installation IkCoffin for Ik R.I.P. exhibition. Brave visitors could lie in the coffin, the lid shut and take a photo with the IkTag. The photo appeared directly on your Mediamatic profile and the finest portraits were hung in the exhibition space. Ceremoniëel moment bij de ikCoffin. - Ik R.I.P. tentoonstelling bij Mediamatic.
Ik RIP closed on April 10th with a Good, Good Friday Party. Theater maker Alix Adams led visitors to the white light, predicting a sky with angels and future and decorating coffins. At the end of the evening the coffins went in a long procession towards Weteringsschans, where a ritual farewell was taken and were distributed as eggs in the grass. Finnisage Ik R.I.P. - Taken at the Good Good Friday party at Mediamatic.
Dead Darlings
On the art auction of Dead Darlings on February 21st 64 artworks are presented anonymously. Auction mistress Tania Theodorou led the bidding and told a little about each piece. Under the hammer among others: works by Katja Mater, Harm van den Sill, Kinga Kielczynska, Anuschka Blommers and Florian Göttke.
Selling prices ranged from € 2, - to € 370, -.
Passed Away Salon
Pathology and poetry are mixed together on the Passed Away Salon on the 25th of March. During four presentations the subject death was viewed from different perspectives. Pathologist Frank van de Goot spoke of his profession; Marije ten Brink and Kathrin Hero spoke about their website Tot Zover Jij & Ik; poet Frank Starik talked about 'Lonely Funeral' and Emile Zile concluded the evening with his youtube performance '0 views. 0 comments. 0 responses'.
RFID Sniffer workshops
The first in a series of RFID Sniffer workshops at Mediamatic. On March the 27th sniffer-designer Marc Boon assists participants to compile their own RFID circuit. The Workshop attracted a lot of interest from participants and several journalists. NRC Next has published a full page article. Due to the great interest the workshop was repeated on the 4th of April, April the 10th, 22nd of May and the 15th of June. RFID Sniffer Workshop Series - Photo taken at the first RFID Sniffer Workshop at Mediamatic.
On April the 2nd won with a Silver Spin Award team of 35 artists and designers in the category Best Innovation, for the ikTag and Interactive Social RFID Games. Spider Awards are awarded annually to the best examples of creativity in interactive communication.
IkTag is an extremely simple interface for social networks, both online and offline. Mediamatic developed the ikTag to do fun things with your profile without a computer. IkTag is an innovative and cultural application of RFID technology.
IkTag works with Social RFID Games. The interactive installations developed Mediamatic, together with a group of designers and artists, including during a Social RFID hackers camp in September 2008. From September the 18th till September the 22nd another Social RFID Hacker Camp '09 takes place, preceding PICNIC (the 23d till september the 25th, 2009). Hackers, programmers, designers and coders worked five days and nights on new interactive RFID projects presented at PICNIC. PICNIC is a great 3-day conference on media technology, art, culture and science. This year there were 8 installations developed. Read here a blog that was maintained throughout the Hacker Camp by Rosa Menkman, Jonnet M and project manager Deborah Meibergen.
Such as the installation ikTrek. Social network Tug-O-War was developed by Rutger Emmelkamp and Bastiaan Ekeler. Not only physical strength but also the number of virtual friends on the PICNIC network determined the winner. Which team has the strongest social network?
May the 8 till June the 28 Mediamatic spreads about for the interactive exhibition WatSpinoza? questions around Amsterdam, based on the ideas of the philosopher Spinoza and arranged in collaboration with writer Dirk van Weelden. Everybody could respond via sms, via the website and on the blackboards in the exhibition itself. WatSpinoza? was Mediamatic's contribution to the art manifestation My Name is Spinoza.
My Name is Spinoza is an initiative of the Amsterdam Spinoza Circle, concept and organisation by SKOR (Foundation Art and Public Space), in collaboration with Foundation Spinoza Centre Amsterdam.
Zhana Ivanova performed three evenings, from the 13th till the 15th of May, the performance Parallax: two shows on the same stage makes together a third. Parallax is the starting point for Re: Parallax and was part of WatSpinoza? and is performed by the actors Mariangela Tinelli, Marianne Langenegger, Tashi Iwaoka and Hanin Msellek. Parallax performance - Parallax by Zhana Ivanova, at Mediamatic Bank on May 13 2009.
The following is from 20th of May till the 20th of June Re: Parallax a continuous reenactment (re-enactment) of Parallax by Zhana Ivanova performance. Visitors of the WatSpinoza? Exhibition can themselves participate to put on clothes of the actors and actresses. In a huge photo set, the scenes wil be frame by frame re-enacted and recorded. Each image can be presented in the exhibition and can be watched back on the Mediamatic website and all together they form a stop motion movie with Ajax in the lead. Re:Parallax - At Mediamatic Bank. 20 mei t/m 20 juni 2009: Re:Parallax
On May the 23d The End Must Go On, a performance by dancer João Evangelista and electronic musician Felix Kubin, as contribution of Violet Bureau to the My Name is Spinoza manifestation. Via a text-search through the city participants were led to Mediamatic, where four dancers performed a 'choreography of the end'. Spinoza's ideas about the body in space as a starting point the dancers went in search of the ultimate end and performed, inter alia, "the end of a battery," "the end of the Dalai Lama" and "the end of history". The End must go on - Lea & Michelle, provided by Emilie Rousel
Stories, Sites and Amsterdam Noord bites
For the salon on May the 26 Stories, Sites and Amsterdam Noord bites curator Nat Muller brings along with him the Egyptian artist Hala Elkoussy and Lara Baladi. They told about unfamiliar places in Cairo and Amsterdam and about the art projects "Borg el Amal" and "Soap Stories', which they performed on location.
Pecha Kucha
This year the Pecha Kucha evening takes place at Mediamatic four times on July 8, 2009 (and January 21st, april 22nd and October 14th, 2009). Each presenter who participates in Pecha Kucha gets 20 x 20 slides of 20 seconds. This year, among others, Jose de la O, Alrik Koudenburg, Karine Versluis, Petra van Noort, Harm Sas, Rory Hyde, Magda Malina and Matthijs Build.
Golden Nights
Mediamatic and Martin Butler organise in the summer on July the 11th Golden Nights: a shimmering golden evening when the latest collections of designers MaryMe-Jimmy Paul, Ties Princen and Amber Brandsma were joined in a harmonious marriage by none other than fashion legend Fong Leng. With music by Motherland from Berlin and cake by Wandering Banquets.
Kom je Ook?
During the second Kom je Ook? On September the 8 a DOEN pitch takes place where 9 teams present their creative ideas to the jury and audience. Visitors can then vote by mobile polling stations on the Magere Brug. Audience favourite was 'Back in a Bite' by Aletta and the jury winner was 'Art Sounds' by n8. They won a free DOEN Clinic operated by Mediamatic, to work out their pitch to a usable project that can be submitted to the DOEN Foundation. The day ended with a drink in De Bazel, in collaboration with the Mondriaan Foundation. See here the voting results. ikPoll / mobiel stemstation op de Magere Brug - Tijdens Kom je Ook? 2
The third Kom je Ook?, 'Public as Programmer' takes place on November 26 at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. During this Kom je Ook? the public decides what is going to happen at the next Kom je Ook? (February the 18th, 2010). Speakers were, among others, Fiona Romeo, head of digital media for the National Maritime Museum and Royal Observatory Greenwich in London; Jim Richardson, managing director of a consulting agency and Joost Heijthuijsen, Floor Ziegler and Emina Sendijarevic.
During the third Kom je Ook? Kom je Ook 'Public as Programmer' there was another DOEN pitch this time the five teams pitched their ideas to the public and jury. Visitors could directly go on stage and voting for their favourite team. Know-How Show-How, pitched by Dima Stefanova and MyStage WORM won an all-expenses-DOEN Clinic at Mediamatic, their plan will be developed into a proposal that can be submitted for funding by the DOEN Foundation. See here for the results of the public vote.
Mediamatic Travel
This year we developed Mediamatic Travel. The project consists of the Amsterdam Biennale 2009, an open network of local experts in over 50 countries, the website and the travel catalog Destinations 2010. Prior at the start of Mediamatic Travel Mediamatic organized a number Meet the Guides evenings. During these evenings Amsterdam guides were recruited and made familiar with the new website and international guides were introduced to the public. On September the 14th there was a Skype interview with Isidora Krstic, guide in Belgrade, and two Amsterdam guides, Riekje Jongsma and Sarah Birgitte Berckenkamp, talked about their passion for the local art scene.
Simultaneously with the opening of the Amsterdam Biennale on October the 16th, the Travel website launched a networking site where you can get in touch with guides from all over the world. What kind of contemporary art is there in Kabul, Bogota or Kobe? If you are going to explore one of these cities you can make an appointment with a local guide. Also, anyone can be a guide and promote his city on the website. On October the 16th there also was a Mediamatic Travel travel catalog issued, with trips to the contemporary art world. This catalog can be ordered on, but was also sent to all any members of the website who was interested.
Mediamatic Amsterdam Biennale 2009
The Amsterdam Biennale 2009, the first user-generated Biennale, was on October 16th, starting at Mediamatic. With curators from around the world presenting the art of their city in a pavilion of 2x2 meters. During the exhibition period, more and more pavilions at and every Saturday there was an opening. At the official opening on the 16th of October the pavilions of the cities Naples, Kabul, Belgrade, Melbourne, Tallinn, Brooklyn and Amsterdam were revealed. With music by Firestone and DJ Magrit (Tallinn) in the Equinox pavilion Femke Dekker, DJ Katja Novi (Tallinn, Amsterdam) & DJ Veloić (CH / HR / YU).
Warzone Amsterdam
November the 28, 2009: An exercise in imagining the unimaginable: War in your own city in the year 2030. At Mediamatic the Kick-Off took place of the project 2030: Warzone Amsterdam, curated by Brigitte van der Sande, a concept of Partizan Publik. With Blitz presentations by participating artists (among others Tony Chakar, Nesrine Khodr, Persijn Broersen / Margit Lukács) and the new issue of OPEN, the journal of SKOR.
Slow Dating with Jorge Villacorta
December the 14th, 2009: Slow Dating with Jorge Villacorta was a lunch with the curator, gene scientist and director of Alta Technología Andina (ATA), organised in collaboration with the Prince Claus Fund. Xander Karskens, curator of the Hallen Haarlem, interviewed him about his research and contemporary art in Latin America.
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