2018 turned out to be a good cabbage-year. What to do with a food-surplus of 60.000 kilos of cabbages? Mediamatic took them on to survive the winter on cabbage and to question the value of our food. From December to March 2018 we hosted a wide variety of workshops, performances and ate a massive amount of cabbage from our edible cabbage installation.
Sauerkraut is one of the oldest fermented foods that is around. Nowadays, most of the Sauerkraut is made in one big factory. But did you know it is fairly easy to make it yourself? Last year Christian Weij showed us how you can make Sauerkraut by using an old pit fermentation technique. Now it is…
Broccoli, bloemkool, spruitjes, ze behoren tot de Brassica kool familie. Er bestaan allerlei mythes en traditionele koolfeesten rond deze groep waardevolle kolen. Zo worden al eeuwenlang koolbladeren gebruikt bij borstvoeding en staan ze bekend om hun antibacteriële eigenschappen. Maar deze…
When it comes to food, we often crave for more. However, when you have plenty, it's not always easy to be happy with something that you have plenty of? For artist Arne Hendriks, this year's cabbage surplus raises one clear question: how to deal with abundance? The drawings in the restaurant of…
The history of the word cabbage, and its origin in European countries
In most of the European languages, the word cabbage comes from the Latin word caulis ( stem of a cabbage ) , which derives from an Ancient Greek word καυλός (which means stalk, stem or dickhead ). That languages are: the Italian: Cavolo, Spanish: Col, French: Chou , Finnish: Kaali
Broederlijk Delen (BE) had a project on Trendy Cabbage (Hippe Kool) based in Burkina Faso. They helped women producing more food and cabbage in the villages of Burkina Faso. In this way, they are able to sell more food and they can provide better for their family. To address Burkina Faso’s poverty…
Cabbage in the Slovak culture and everyday life has a strong tradition, dating back centuries ago. It´s roots lay deep in the folklore, proverbs, superstitions, festive customs and of course - cuisine, which contains hundreds of cabbage and sauerkraut recipes, loved by many. From the time of our…