Ignite is run by locals, for locals. Fast-paced and merciless, speakers get five minutes to present, making use of twenty slides that auto-advance every fifteen seconds. All presentations are given in English.
Karlijn Souren
As a food designer Karlijn investigates what we eat, why and how. Tonight she'll tell us about her current project, Watertanden, an exhibition and publication. This collaboration with writer Renske de Greef and photographer Andreia Costa concerns the experience of food.
Elian Veltman
Elian has been designing bikes for nearly a decade - long-lasting, simple, functional designs for urban trippers. Find out more about his cargobike - a light, nimble bicycle, perfect for innercity transport.
Elian Veltman - Elian presented his innovative urban bikes at Ignite Amsterdam 20.
Elmar van Cleynenbreugel
Elmar is an architecture student at the TU Delft. This year he graduated with a project focused on the re-use of old buildings in urban areas. Join us for an insight into urban greenhouses.
Marc van der Holst
Marc van der Holst used to be a drummer, cartoonist, designer, painter and writer. Now he's retired and just likes to have fun. He'll try and explain why, and how.
Julia van der Meer
A couple of times a year Julia exchanges her furniture for art, transforming her apartment in the centre of Amsterdam into the mini | galerie. Join us for more about this simple concept and her upcoming show, opening on September 28th.
Wouter van der Sluijs
Wouter studied Audiovisual Media at the Rietveld Academy. As a graphic designer he works autonomously as well as for clients. Find out more about his working methods, and how he implements scripts in his designs.
Art van Triest
Fascinated by weaponry, Art makes use of 3-D printing and video mapping to create (interactive) installations. Recent projects include a 3-D print of a Kalashnikov intersecting with a beamed, 3-D image, creating, just for a second, an illegal product.
Roel de Boer
Searching for a way of making the urban environment more ecologically sustainable, Roel developed the New Dutch Roofing Tile. Whereas traditional roofing tiles offer no shelter or space for flora and fauna, Roel's tile forms a comfortable dwelling for animals and plants, the latter which also partially filter the water. Find out more tonight.
Natascha Hagenbeek
A big kitchen garden in the heart of Amsterdam: Natascha proves it can be done. I Can Change the World With My Two Hands is a project that enables neighbours to work on the land, and eat and learn together.
Niels 't Hooft
Game journalist and writer Niels 't Hooft is plunging head-first into The Spiral. For the duration of a month he'll be playing the alternate reality game fulltime, and reporting on it for the Dutch tv-broadcaster VARA. Learn more about his experiences tonight.
Baaf Vonk
Baaf believes food has the power to lighten our lives and improve our mood. Find out more about Liquid Crack, his very own home-brewed liqueur.
Baaf Vonk - liqueur brewer He gives a foretaste of his delightful liqueurs at Ignite Amsterdam 20
Sabrina Verhage (TU Delft)
Kuda is made up of over a kilometer of transparent tubing, 14 solenoid valves, 8 pumps and numerous liters of colored liquids. Together they form an installation that flows and lights up when people interact with it, and returns to a sad, colorless state when left to its own device. Sabrina, one of the nine TU Delft students who worked on the project will tell us more.
More information
Doors open at 8pm, the program starts at 8.30pm. Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. Tickets €2,- for members, €7,- for non-members (includes a membership card valid for a month).