Chris O'Shea
Chris O'Shea is an artist and experience designer. He uses technology to make the unimaginable happen, creating installations that playfully challenge our perception of spaces and objects.
Lidewij van Valkenhoef
Marketing manager Kröller-Müller Museum
Oospronkelijk kom ik uit de touroperating en congres- en evenementenbranche. Na 4 jaar op de afdeling marketing & communicatie van het Rijksmuseum gewerkt te hebben, ben ik, na een half jaar stage op...
Arnold van Bruggen
The Sochi Project
Arnold van Bruggen (1979) is a writer and filmmaker. With his journalistic production agency Prospektor he has written and filmed numerous stories. In 2001 he published his first major reportage in...
Matthias Rick
Born in Versmold, Germany in 1965, studied Architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin). In 1997 founded the "Institut für angewandte Baukunst" (Institute of Applied Architecture). 1998-2001 worked as...
Anton Damen
Freelance writer/journalist for old & new media, editor in chief IFFR, projectleader of cinemareloaded.com
riemer knoop
innovatie, helderheid, creativiteit, onbevangenheid
Ik stimuleer mensen en (culturele) organisaties om om de hoek heen te (durven) kijken
Willem Velthoven
(hij/hem) Founder, helper and learner
Ik ben een van de oprichters van Mediamatic (in 1983) en directeur tot 2024, samen met Jans Possel . Ik ben internationaal bekroond als ontwerper en ik ben autist. Willem@mediamatic.nl / phone...
Meike Le Coultre
Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
Sinds 2008 ben ik verantwoordelijk voor de communicatie van het Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst. Wij doen ons best zoveel mogelijk mensen te laten participeren bij kunst in de stad, en proberen op een...
Rob Hornstra
Rob Hornstra (1975) is a documentary photographer. Since he graduated he has worked predominantly on long-term projects, both at home and on the other side of the world. His work is characterised by...
Ubi de Feo
Creative Technologist
His talented obsession for how reality unfolds makes him compulsively collect, dismantle and reassemble any device into a gimmick, changing its destiny to an even more useless one.
Anya van Lit
Joost Bottema
DUS architecten
public architecture
The architecture of DUS goes beyond building. This social significance shows at all levels of DUS’ work, ranging from large urban strategies to outdoor breakfast designs. DUS sees architecture as a...
Abner Preis
Beeldend Kunstenaar/lovestoryteller
Abner Preis komt uit Philadelphia maar woont al jaren in Nederland. Hij is een “lovestoryteller”. Hij schrijft korte verhaaltjes vol lieve dingen, altijd met een happy ending. Deze kunstenaar uit...
Katja Novitskova
Artist, curator and researcher
Katya Novitskova is an Estonian artist based in Amsterdam. Her work focuses on issues of technology, evolutionary processes, digital imagery and corporate aesthetics. Novitskova is interested in...
Seamus Cater
Viljam Nybacka
Hedwig Heinsman
co-founder DUS architects
Hans Vermeulen
Ole Jorgen Hammeken
Mike Magidson
Jan van den Berg
Ap Verheggen
Rob Sweere
Els de Meijer
Nieuw Jurk
Nieuw Jurk is het label van Esther Meijer, in 2004 afgestudeerd in Arnhem met haar collectie Going Ape in Nieuw Jurk. Nieuw Jurk is opvallend, kleurrijk en energiek en bevat elementen uit...
Jans Possel
Founder / Hoofd erfgoed
Ben een van de oprichters van Stichting Mediamatic en startte in 1985 samen met Willem Velthoven Mediamatic Magazine. Ik houd me sinds 2023 vooral bezig met het samenstellen van een programma voor...
Eline Ermens
Well, hello.
I used to work as a project manager for the foundation Mediamatic.
Matrixx Botanica
Melanie Bonajo
Melanie Bonajo exams the paradoxes inherent in our future-based ideas of comfort. Through her photographs, performances, videos and installations Bonajo examines subjects related to progress that...
Joseph Marzolla
Maia Lyon-Daw
Lot Meijers
Jonathan Sachse Mikkelsen
Kristinn Gudmundsson
Peter Sattler and Kristinn Guðmundsson
Friends and artists Peter and Kristinn cut down a big tree and traveled around Europe distributing, processing, and exhibiting its parts. A final exhibition of the project will open in February.
janneke raaphorst
Kathryn Schulz
Journalist en auteur
Kathryn Schulz heeft de overtuigende reputatie ‘s werelds meest vooraanstaande 'wrongologist' te zijn.
Julius Vermeulen
Adviseur visuele communicatie TNT Post
Julius Vermeulen (1953) is verantwoordelijk voor de karakteristieke merkelementen van de Koninklijke TNT Post bij grafisch en industrieel ontwerp, zoals de huisstijl, bedrijfsartikelen en het...
Arnica Elsendoorn
Na een carrière bij het Nationale Ballet volgde Arnica Elsendoorn onder andere bij de Actors Studio en de Experimental Theatre Wing van de Universiteit van New York haar opleiding in Method acting
Wouter Osterholt en Elke Uitentuis
Beeldend kunstenaars
Wouter Osterholt (Leiden, 1979) en Elke Uitentuis (Sneek, 1977) vormen sinds 2005 een kunstenaarsduo. Ze ontwikkelen projecten op specifieke plekken waarmee ze verborgen verhoudingen en...
Leila Liberge
Programmamanager WatWasWaar.nl & MijnVoorouders
Leila Liberge (1975) is al weer bijna 6 jaar programmaleider van grootschalige online samenwerkingsprojecten in het erfgoedveld (Musea, Archieven en Bibliotheken). Een behoudende sector met wilde...
Bert Mulder
Zelflerend organisme. 1962 — 2020
Filosoof en adviseur over maatschappij, technologie en leren. Hij was bijna 30 jaar bestuurslid van stichting Mediamatic. Lees meer over Bert in zijn in memoriam .
Matthijs Bouw
bjorn stenvers
Duncan Stutterheim
Mede-oprichter van ID&T
Duncan Stutterheim (Purmerend, 1971) begon op 18-jarige leeftijd een koeriersbedrijf. Dit bleek niet genoeg voldoening te geven: het moest grootser. Hij begon samen met twee anderen gabberfeesten te...
Rachida Azough
'Fouten maken de mens.'
Pim Betist
Pim Betist is mede-oprichter van Sellaband en oprichter van Africa Unsigned. Hij werd begin dit jaar door Management Team genoemd als een van de 25 meest creatieve mensen in Nederland. Met een...
Frans Nauta
Innoveren, dat is mijn vak. Veel mensen denken dat innoveren vooral veel creativiteit vergt en brainstorms op de hei. Dat kan geen kwaad, maar een geïnspireerd idee is maar 10% van het werk. Het...
Nancy Proctor
Mobile Strategy, Smithsonian Institute
Nancy Proctor heads up mobile strategy and initiatives for the Smithsonian Institution . On 9 December 2010 Nancy will be keynote speaker at Kom je ook? - Buitenspelen met mobiele media.
Margriet Schavemaker
I studied art history and philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and received my doctorate in 2007 for a dissertation on the word-image relationship in the visual arts of the 1960s. Having taught...
Jason DaPonte
Jason DaPonte has over 15 years experience working at the junction where media and technology collide - and he loves it. THE SWARM is his new venture.
Jasper Visser
Dick van Dijk
Dick is concept developer @ Waag Society
Thomas van Maaren
Thomas (1968) werkt sinds medio 2010 bij ab-c media en is hij voornamelijk verantwoordelijk voor de projectcoördinatie.
Michiel Huijsman
Anneke van de Kieft
Anne Sofie Hardenberg
Ole Korneliussen
Cunera Buijs
Tekke Terpstra
Mayken Craenen
I am part of the Mediamatic exhibitions team. With them I happily travel from Inuit culture to fixed gear bikes to who knows what else the future will bring...
Daniel Shiffman
Foundland collective initiates autonomous projects. Foundlanders Ghalia Elsrakbi and Lauren Alexander are researchers, writers, artists and designers. With our own projects and working process, we...
Maria Golia
Author of Cairo, City of Sand (Reaktion Books, 2004), and Photography and Egypt (Reaktion Books, 2010). Maria Golia has written extensively about Egypt from cultural, social, political and economic...
Nat Muller
Between the idea/And the reality/Between the motion/And the Act/Falls the Shadow
Is an independent curator and critic based in Rotterdam. She has held positions as project curator at V2_, Institute for Unstable Media (Rotterdam) and De Balie, Centre for Culture and Politics...
Rob Sweere
Najannguaq Svaerd
Bolatta Silis-hoeegh
Mike Giant
Birth. Upstate New York. Drawing. New Mexico. BMX bikes. Heavy Metal. Skateboarding. Punk rock. Hip-hop. Thailand. College. Dishwasher. Raves. Lorelei. First tattoo. San Francisco. Dharma. Think...
Peand el
a.k.a. Peter Lyberth
Peand eL (P & L) has been around the greenlandic hip hop scene since 2005 with the release of his first album "Eqqissitinnga". His second album "Tarrara - my shadow" was released in February 2009
Nive Nielsen
and the Deer Children.
Her song, Room, is a simple track plucked and plinked along with great accompaniment to surround her cooing vocals. Its a truly fresh sound. Good for You, is a more quirky-folksy tune that needs a...
Wayne Horse
lacrosse/horso/champaign/torso/schorse/pump/torsion/love hewitt/etc
Wayne Horse is van oorsprong een Duitser, geboren in Bremen. Hij verstaat Nederlands. Zijn naam ligt niet vast. Meestal is het wel Wayne, maar de achternaam verschilt. Nu is het Wayne Horse. Hij wil...
Morcky Troubles
Amsterdam werd een aantal jaren opeens getrakteerd op levensgrote speakers die op allerlei muren opdoken. Deze speakers zijn onmiskenbaar van de hand van de Italiaanse kunstenaar Morcky Troubles.
De Amsterdammer Ottograph was een van de eerste graffiti artiesten van Amsterdam samen met kunstenaars en vormgevers zoals Shoe en Delta. Begin jaren ’90 was Ottograph een van de eerste VJ’s die met...
Het kunstenaars collectief Leyp is een collectief dat het gegeven dat zij deel uitmaken van de populaire beeldcultuur vanaf het begin af aan bewust heeft omarmd.
Super Sule
Opkomend kunstenares Super Sule begon begin deze eeuw als VJ in het Amsterdamse clubcircuit en ontwierp artwoks voor o.a Victor en Rolf. Opgegroeid in zowel Istanbul als Amsterdam, is Sule zich van...
Sinds zijn afstuderen aan de Rietveld academie in 2005 probeert de Amsterdamse kunstenaar SjocoSjon de werking en de kenmerkende elementen van de populaire beeldcultuur te onderzoeken. De...
Striptekenaar- en illustrators collectief Lamelos tekent al geruime tijd zeer excentrieke strips in een moeilijk te definiëren stijl. In hun strips komen duidelijke verwijzingen naar de populaire...
Stefan Vis
Pristine Fixed Gear
Amsterdamse doortrapwinkel
May become a really nice fixie dedicated velo shop. opening in fall 2009... Mediamatic can't wait!
Christian Faubel
Christian Faubel is a researcher and artist interested in autonomous behavior and how it may emerge out of the interaction of very simple systems. In his artistic work he experiments with minimal low
Ralf Schreiber
Ralf Schreiber works with electronics, with solar panels, with motors and smallest loudspeakers. His playful and experimental works produce small sounds, smallest movements and deal with weak energy...
Cordula Körber
Cordula Körber is a scenographer, she transforms spaces, designs costumes and with derstrudel she teaches workshops to explore electronics, design and tinkering. In her works she is interested in how...
Deejay Cream
Vera van de Nieuwenhof
Analogue artist working in a digital world
Gijs van Amelsvoort
i love riding track bikes, good coffee, watching bad movies, collecting old punk records, spend my summers in NYC, i studied graphic design and visual communication, i now run a trackbike shop/vegan...
Cheryl Gallaway
Sammy Dirksz
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort!
Co-owner of Pristine Fixed Gear in Amsterdam. Studies: Telematics, Social Worker and made a start at the University of Rotterdam for Psychology. Still working on that degree and want to finish that...
DJ Melly Mel
Renate Zentschnig
Curator van Soundtrackcity Artistiek leider a.i. hetveem theater onafhankelijk theatermaker
Herman van Gessel
Ik ben Herman van Gessel, senior educatie in het Tropenmuseum. Sinds 2001 werk ik hier. Daarvoor was ik, ook als educator, sinds 1988 verbonden het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. Ik schrijf graag teksten en...
Sara Barron
Writer and Comedian
Based in New York, I'm the author of the recently released essay collection, "People Are Unappealing." I also serve as host for The Moth story-slams, and will, in conjunction with Mediamatic, be...
Wypke Jannette Walen
Onlangs afgestudeerd aan het Sandberg Instituut en nu onder meer werkzaam als museumdocent bij Foam & als docent op de Academie voor Beeldende Vorming (AHK).
Wijnand Stomp
Een verteller brengt met weinig middelen veel teweeg. Naast lichaam en stem is de verbeelding zijn belangrijkste wapen.
Wijnand Stomp is één van de bekendste theatrale vertellers die Nederland rijk is. Ook bekened als Mister Anansi creëert en speelt hij voorstellingen waarin zijn kleurrijke afkomst een belangrijke rol...
Hiphop en Spoken Word
“ Blaxtar is een artiest die bekend staat om zijn conceptuele aanpak, filosofische inslag en cryptische lyriek wat neerkomt op lekkere beats met een boodschap op de koop toe.” Op 1 juni spreekt hij...
Pieter-Matthijs Gijsbers
Directeur Openluchtmuseum
Gijsbers, geboren in 1964 te Beek-Ubbergen, studeerde kunstgeschiedenis en archeologie aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, aan het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut te Rome en aan het...
Petra Katzenstein
Hoofd Educatie JHM
Petra Katzenstein (1963) is hoofd Educatie van het Joods Historisch Museum, hoofd van de Hollandsche Schouwburg en chazzan (voorzanger) in de liberaal joodse gemeente in Arnhem.
Reno Raaijmakers
Reno Raaijmakers (1975) studeerde kunstgeschiedenis & archeologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Vanaf het begin is Reno verbonden aan de Hermitage Amsterdam. Voor de Hermitage geeft hij onder...
vincent lindeboom
Mahmoud Hamdy
Participating artist Mapping for Tourists
Born in 1977, in Egypt. After studying Graphics & Animation at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo, he co-founded the File Club Studio - a Cairo-based progressive boutique design studio. Mahmoud works...
Sina Khani
Hi, I'm Sina Khani. The new David Letterman. Without the budget, without the connections and without the humor.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOgyhLzp4XY A word of advice for you...
Kees Vernooij
Started bike messengering in 1996, since 2000 as a parttimer. I work three days a week at the department for urban architecture in Amsterdam. The other day(s) I'm testing the urban designs with my...
Arie Altena
"What do you do?" "Euh... I live, I read, I write..." "..." "I write about, well, art and new media and technology and how technology and culture are affecting each other – that's an interest that...
Saskia Haex
Freelance project manager
♥ work ♥ play
Brendt Barbur
DJ Samidi
DJ Samidi spins records at bars like Kashmir Lounge and café Struik, and cultural project spaces like Streetlab_ Projectspace/Meneer de Wit and Mediamatic.
dj Santina Runaway
Frans Bromet
Marjolijn Boterenbrood
Werk van beeldend kunstenaar Marjolijn Boterenbrood is altijd gebaseerd op onderzoek naar een plek: een park, een vallei, een stadsdeel of een eiland. Zij ziet haar werk als een proces van verzamelen
Kristin Maurer
Wat doe ik?
Theo Deutinger
Mapping Architect
From the TD Architects website:
Jan Rothuizen
Visual Artist
Jan Rothuizen (1968) is beeldend kunstenaar. Zijn werk was te zien in het Stedelijk Museum te Amsterdam, de Townhouse Gallery in Cairo en in het New Museum in New York. Hij publiceerde eerder On a...
graphic design collective
Brigiet van den Berg Kris Borgerink Yuri Veerman
james burke
interaction designer
"European framework for policy and design research concerning urban computational systems."
Esther Polak
Esther Polak (Amsterdam 1962) is beeldend kunstenaar op het gebied van nieuwe media. Haar grootste bekendheid ontleent ze aan ‘locative media’ projecten, bijvoorbeeld AmsterdamREALTIME
Melle Smets
Archeoloog van het nu
Conceptueel kunstenaar, curator en criticus in de openbare ruimte.
Esther Weltevrede
Wilfried Hou Je Bek
writer and psycho-geographer.
From Wilfried's V2 profile: Wilfried Hou Je Bek uses algorithms to design psycho-geographic walks through cities and other areas. The geographic and psychological output is visualized with the help...
Lino Hellings
Visual artist
Lino Hellings is a visual artist. Founder of P.A.P.A. participating artists' press agency, a worldwide network of artists that manufactures news together. (2008-future) An artists press agency ? Why...
Anne Helmond
Richard Vijgen
Information designer
Richard Vijgen is an information designer working in the field of dynamic and screen based media.
Sarah van Sonsbeeck
artist working with immaterial architecture and the ownership of space
Sarah van Sonsbeeck is an Amsterdam based artist working with immaterial architecture and the ownership of space. She is a former resident of the Rijksakademie and studied architecture (MA) and Fine...
Merijn Oudenampsen
Urban sociologist.
Is a researcher of urban development with a special interest in topics such as the creative city, city branding and large-scale project development such as 'de Zuidas'. He has been involved in...
Richard Rogers
Richard Rogers is New Media Professor at the University of Amsterdam, Director of the Govcom.org Foundation, Visiting Professor in Science Studies at the University of Vienna, and founder of the...
De Geuzen
a foundation for multi-visual research
De Geuzen is a foundation for multi-visual research and the collaborative identity of Riek Sijbring, Femke Snelting and Renée Turner. Since 1996 they have employed a variety of tactics to explore...
Multidisciplinary design studio
Joris Maltha and Daniel Gross, founders of Catalogtree (2001), are fascinated by numerical information, files, folders and other data based lists. They are specialized in data visualization
Wietske Maas
With a background as a visual artist, a taxidermist, a curator and a radio maker, Wietske currently works as a freelance coordinator of arts and cultural events. Her research focuses on the co
Malkit Shoshan
Designer, architect and lecturer
Malkit Shoshan is the founding director of the architectural think-tank FAST: Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory . In 2021, Shoshan won The Silver Lion at the Venice Architecture Biennale...
Annelys de Vet
Critical graphic designer
Annelys de Vet (1974 — works in Brussels and Amsterdam) is a graphic designer and head of the design department of the Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam (Masters Rietveld Academie). Her work explores the...
Christian Nold
Artist, designer, educator.
Christian Nold is an artist, teacher and cultural activist living in London. Nold studied Fine Art at Kingston University as well as an MA in Interaction Design at the Royal College of Art. In 2001
Peter Robinett
American web programmer and events organizer living in Amsterdam
Arjan Scherpenisse
Unstable media hacker / artist / tinkererer /researcher / inventor / developer / coder / whateverer
Hi there this is my profile page. I used to work at Mediamatic, that why this page is such a mess ;-) I created all kinds of nice interactive things like the IkCam, IkPod and several other...
Ralph Meijer
6'6" of protocol design.
Ralph Meijer is tech lead at Mediamatic Lab. He works on the backend of anyMeta and the supporting services for federating Mediamatic's social networking services and community sites. He is one of...
Nadya Peek
Girls are the new boys.
Sean Follmer
Seth Hunter
Jean-Baptiste Labrune
Creativity Researcher
I’m anDesigner & Researcher combining active materials, augmented reality, electronic textiles & crafts, diy toolkits, interrogative & radical design, public policy and diplomacy. I give classes...
Dana Gordon
Dana is an architect and interaction designer who practices "people-watching" on the nearest public bench. She creates playful props, interactive objects, and messing with physical computing for...
Mark Wubben
web hacker european dutchman copenhagen london javascript python ubicomp
Humanist ∪ Technologist. <3 working with the web. Occasional Dutch speaker.
Dirk van Oosterbosch
Interaction designer who likes complex systems a little too much. Madness is just a level of complexity beyond your current grasp.
Dirk does the interface and interaction design for Fritzing , a software to help designers make their electronic circuits. When in Berlin, Dirk works from the office of IxDS , Interaction Design...
Luis Rodil-Fernandez
horse, giraffe, gnu, hairless newt and firefox too
definitely a software guy
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Eelco Wagenaar
...../unstable media/art/interactivity/hacking/on-signal.org/.....
Amsterdam based media artist. At this moment finishing the Master of Fine Arts program at Dutch Art Institute. Being a former product developer/project manager at a major technology company (consumer...
Axel Roest
Arno Veenstra
Student - MSc. AI @ University of Amsterdam
Sicco van Sas
Gilles de Hollander
Ik ben Gilles de Hollander, 5e-jaars Beta-Gamma bachelor-student. Beta-Gamma is een interdisciplinaire studie waar het denken 'tussen' wetenschapsdisciplines centraal staat. Je stroomt na een zwaar
Saro Van Cleynenbreugel
I work with Mediamatic since February 2011. At the moment I'm self employed at zone5 . I’m nifty with media and I love to be the helping hand, whenever I'm needed. I love to explore interactivity in...
Fabienne Serriere
can i take it apart please?
★ hardware hacker ★
Travis Goodspeed
Kendra Markle
I build persuasive technology tools for health behavior change
Fábio da Costa
Thjeu Donders
Machiel Veltkamp
ex atelier coördinator
Digital media designer, gadget junkie and "handy guy" interested in the stories behind people and things..
Mhairi Macfarlane
tom milnes
Marco Wessel
Jah blaat
Marco is the Mediamatic system administrator and amateur photographer. He has a flair for station food and does not drink coffee.
Ernst Odolphi
I work as a backend developper at Mediamatic. I am working on improving AnyMeta, the meta-data driven CMS developed by Mediamatic. I am a bachelor in artificial intelligence, and just graduated as a...
This is my chapeau
Jon Stam
I studied product design at the DAE, but I am more interested in what happens at the borders of art, design, (new) media, and technology. I am working at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam.
Camilo Kneppers
Ɖ∃ßoЯ∀Ħ ∃ ϺΣĬ
Deborah M. Kōdō
\/•ᴥ•\/ - \/•ᴥ•\/ ━━► OMG, DOGS!
I've worked for Mediamatic from August 2006 till May 2014. I was responsible for all the 'new' media, (bio + geeky)-technology, mycelium, Aquaponics and art- workshops , and in the (recent) past also...
jaja wat doe ik nou in me dagelijks leven: op dit moment ben ik student op de HKU in hilversum en de oplijding dmd. Veder hou ik van coffee en van het maken daar van. En hou er van om door de stad...
Marie-Anne Huiskamp
Interaction & Information Designer
Luís Brandão
Laura U. Marks
More info about Laura U. Marks
Ayman Ramadan
Born in 1980 in the Nile Delta, Ayman moved to Cairo in 1998. In 1999 he started working for Townhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art in Cairo. It was around this time that he started producing work.
Malak Helmy
Participating artist Mapping for Tourists
Ahmed Kamel
Multi-disciplinary Artist
Ahmed Kamel (born 1981 in Cairo) is an Egyptian multi-disciplinary artist. He deals with the self-image and its visual representation on an individual and group level, as well as the encounter...
bringing you evenings of indie rock and free water
Subbacultcha! organizes concerts in Bitterzoet, De Nieuwe Anita, de Patronaat and Paradiso. They book local hero bands including the Moi Non Plus, Heidi Happy, Pfaff, the Ik Jan Cremers, Aux Raus
Milena Heussler
laura mueller
Lynn Amhaz
Lebanese Graphic Designer and Typographer
Graduated from the Lebanese American University (LAU) with a BS in Graphic design (print emphasis). Interested in Arabic type design, Typography, calligraphy, Kufi script, bilingual designs
Lara Balaa
Graphic Designer
Participating artist Noord.
Illustrator, graphic designer, video artist, writer, and a bunch of other stuff.
Golfstromen is an Amsterdam-based concept office for urbanism and marketing.
Engy Aly
Born in Cairo, Egypt in 1982. Engy Aly has a strong interest in patterns as well as Latin and Arabic typography. She studied Graphic Design and graduated in 2005. She has participated in numerous art...
Kaweh Modiri
Visual artist and writer
As a Rietveld student Kaweh's apartment was burglarized and his most valuable possessions were stolen. After finding out who did it, Kaweh's anger quickly turned into inspiration. Making a...
Tunc Topcuoglu
Hello. My name is Tunc. I am a designer. I don’t know many things yet, I am learning everyday, I am changing, reflecting, dreaming. I believe that as human beings, our main role is to define. We are...
Ome Omar
Harry Slinger
zanger, acteur
Harry Slinger (Amsterdam, 10 augustus 1949) is een Nederlandse zanger en acteur die voornamelijk bekend geworden is als de zanger van de Nederlandstalige groep Drukwerk. ( wikipedia.nl) Toen hij als...
Jeroen Beekmans
Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam
joop de Boer
Dirk Vis
Dirk Vis is a writer, visual artist, editor of literary magazine De Gids and lecturer of Interactive Media at the Royal Academy of Art
Lauren Alexander
Member of design collective, Foundland. (www.foundland.info) contact@foundland.info
Ghalia Elsrakbi
Kivanc Ince
Claud Biemans
nature and culture
city botanist science writer physics editor culture organiser late night performer
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Martin Butler
Interdisciplinary artist, and stage director
Martin Butler is a British born interdisciplinary artist, and stage director based in Berlin. He was trained in Drama at Manchester University, and then later Choreography and Performance at the SNDO
Patrick Healy
Marjolein Vogels
Hester van Hasselt
Hester van Hasselt studeerde aan de Kleine Academie in Brussel. Ze is zowel actrice als regisseur.
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy
everything is melting
Yuri Landman
Erik Alkema
Jan Robert Leegte
Identifying a physical object seems clear. Though when looked upon closer, a variety of triggers form this judgement. Using these, Jan Robert Leegte deconstructs our physical experience, aiming to...
Daniel de Zeeuw
I like potatoes
My Social Me: student Rietveld ID-UM 4th year, 4th year BA philosophy UvA, HP Art & Research 2009/2010
Artun Alaska Arasli
Artist, curator and writer
Born in Turkey, Artun Alaska Arasli is an Amsterdam based artist, curator and writer.
Daniela De Paulis
Mark Shepard
spaces, cultures, networks
Mark Shepard is an artist, architect and researcher whose post-disciplinary practice addresses new social spaces and signifying structures of contemporary network cultures.
Club Opera
Powerful administrator
ex–Graphic designer at Mediamatic Foundation. Still a Rock n' Roll overlord at TDTMCM.
...we live, so we destroy!!! STAATSBEGIN = STAATSEINDE Wij leven, dus wij maken kapot!!! STAATSBEGIN = STAATSEINDE ...lang leven de STUITERBAL _ Staatseinde is: Yamaha Electone C-605 Kommander Neorej...
Enfant Terrible Productions
Space Siren
Indie band
Layered guitars and a sweet succulent voice pull you in and spit you out – gently. Indie foursome Space Siren is moody without being too heavy, and catchy without being too poppy. Their songs sound...
indie label en meer
Cultureel ondernemer
Robert Keil
Hi. My name is Robert and I was working for Stichting Mediamatic. I was doing some graphic design and other jobs for the exhibitions. The internship time here was part of my communication design...
Sander Veenhof
Veenhof's original background is in computer science. Knowing enough about the endless opportunities to control anything precisely, in his art career he explores the contrary: seeking challenges...
Sandra Blichert Christensen
Papa Adama
Sascha Pohflepp
Sascha Pohflepp is an artist, designer and writer, born in Cologne, Germany.
Sheref Mansy
Sheref Mansy obtained his bachelor's and doctoral degrees from Ohio State University. After a postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Jack W. Szostak at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts...
Andras Sly Szalai
Andras Sly Szalai is a Hungarian multimedia hacker and prototype ninja, who likes to connect everyday objects to his computer, or remote control non-everyday things with an ordinary mobile phone. He...
Gordan Savicic
Rnul Interactive
installations and performances
Rnul Interactive deals with interactivity in a wide sense. Installations and performances in which sound, (moving) images and physical movements are used to get an interaction with the ‘user’. We use...
Aart Muis
Interactive installations and performances;
Rob Donkers
Rob Donkers (1977) is one of the founders of Rnul Interactive.
Thomas voor 't Hekke
Bas van Oerle
Edo Paulus
Marjolein Charlotte
Supriyo Chatterjea
Postdoctoral researcher in the Pervasive Systems Group of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. Funded by the...
Sonia Cillari
Erik Borra
Erik Borra is New Media developer at the University of Amsterdam's New Media program, freelance programmer and web researcher. He is the lead programmer, as well as researcher, for the Digital...
Wilbert Baan
Vesna Manojlovic
Vesna Manojlovic joined the RIPE NCC as a trainer in 1999. In 2003, she took responsibility for Advanced Courses, developing and delivering advanced courses, such as RPSL, Routing Registry, DNSSEC
Seth Hunter
is an artist who develops mixed reality experiences for play, creativity, and learning.
Seth Hunter is a graduate student in the Fluid Interfaces group at the MIT Media Laboratory. He has a background in art, technology, and design and is interested in developing new interfaces for...
Bonami SpelcomputerMuseum
Philip Fokker
Meet the real Fokker
Philip Vincent Fokker (Den Haag 1977) schrijft en werkt in Amsterdam. Hij publiceerde onder andere artikelen en poëzie in Deus Ex Machina, Hard Gras, The HTV, TAG magazine, Reload, Connexie
Alexander Krone
Kunstenaar en game liefhebber
8 Sneakers
Acht is Amsterdam's exclusive basketball and streetwear boutique.
Arcadia Amusements
Verhuur van amusementsspellen en arcade games.
Jamma the Hutt
Hasan and Pascal are active in the Dutch arcade scene and were friendly enough to lend us their Japanese sit-down machines.
Vintage computer collector, Pinball freak
David Nieborg
David B. Nieborg is a lecturer at the University of Amsterdam and a PhD-student at ASCA (Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis).
Independent game studio
Vlambeer is a young Dutch gamedesign studio made up of Rami Ismail and Jan Willem Nijman, aiming to bring back arcade gaming. Together they make the best games they can using precise game design
Anna Sonnemans
Freelance journalist
Anna studied New Media & Digital Culture at the University of Utrecht and graduated in 2007. She works as a freelance journalist for, among others, Elsevier and Gamez.
Independent game studio
BlewScreen is een onafhankelijke game studio gevestigd in Tilburg, in het midden van de Benelux. Onze games zijn te ervaren op verschillende festivals, evenementen en soms zelfs online. Onze...
Richard Boeser
Richard lives and works in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He's an independent designer in the fields of graphic, interaction and game design.
Dreams of Danu
Dreams of Danu makes serious games and interactive experiences that can be played with thoughts and emotions. Using biofeedback and brain-computer-interfaces like the Epoc Emotiv Neuroheadset, the...
Gijs Gieskes
Gijs Gieskes (1977) studeerde tien jaar geleden af aan de Design Academy in Eindhoven en houdt zich voornamelijk bezig met het (om)bouwen van elektronica, instrumenten, speelgoed en...
Kars Alfrink
designer of new games, toys & playgrounds
Kars is a designer active in the area of games & play, society, cities and technology. Currently, he is principal designer at Hubbub, an international design studio specialised in new games for...
Joost van Dongen
Joost is the founder of Romino Games, and creator of games such as Proun and De Blob. He lives in Oss.
Ekim Tan
City Gamer
Born in Istanbul, I graduated as an architect at Middle East Technical University [METU] with the Archiprix Award in 1999, and got my second degree in urbanism of the Technical University Delft in...
Jelte Timmer
Currently working for Mediamatic on a project concerning the legacy of the famous philisopher Spinoza. My goal is to make people think, preferrably to the point where they don't know what to think...
010 publishers
Represented by Edsonwilliams
Since i started sharing my thoughts via nalden.net i’ve worked for several companies in the music- and advertising industry. Today I’m co-owner of Appletree Records and share my thoughts...
Tijmen Schep
Tijmen Schep (1981) is a Dutch theorist on new media and digital culture, focussing on wireless media and public space. This theorizing is brought to life in the NetNiet.org foundation which...
Tim Heineke
29, Media Entrepreneur: internet + music focused. Currently doing Twones.com
Soundtrackcity Amsterdam
geluidswandelen door Amsterdam
Serie van 8 geluidswandelingen in de openbare ruimte gemaakt door kunstenaars uit verschillende disciplines in samenwerking met lokale gemeenschappen. Elke wandeling voert door een ander gebied in de...
Antoon Versteegde
Beeldend kunstenaar Antoon Versteegde geniet zijn artistieke vrijheid vooral buiten de gevestigde instellingen en tentoonstellingsruimten, in de openbare ruimte die voor iedereen vrij toegankelijk is.
Koen Martens
Political activist, business owner, open source evangelist, organiser of HAR2009.